The Roles page lists all the access roles that can be assigned to users and shows the individual privilages privileges associated with each role.
Refer to the specific page for each module within this user guide (links in above table) for a description of each role and the associated privilagesprivileges.
Add New Role
Tip |
Lucidity Access: Add and Edit Roles coming soon! |
Name | Definition |
Name | Enter the name of the role |
Description | Enter a description |
Application | Select the application/ module the role applies to |
Access PrivilagesPrivileges | Once the application/ module has been selected, a list of access privilages privileges appears. Tick the privilages privileges which are to apply to the role. |
Users | Select users to be assigned the role Note user can also be assigned roles via their user profile from the User page. Refer to the Assign Access Roles section in this user guide for more details. |
Note | ||
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If a user's role changes or privilages privileges in a role they already have been assigned to change, the user will need to log out and back in to the system for the changes to take affect. |
If a role is no longer required, it can be arcvhiedarchived. All users assigned the role will no longer have the associated privilages privileges within the system.
To archive a role, from the Roles page:
Info | ||
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Roles can be unarchvied unarchived from the Archived Roles page. Once unarchived, all users assigned the role will have the associated privilages privileges reinstated. |
Reporting from the Roles Page