Column Configuration in InForm
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Although the column configuration tool is available in most Lucidity Software modules, it works slightly differently in Lucidity InForm since each form that is created presents a unique set of information which can then be displayed as columns and also in Excel reports.
Video: Column Configuration
Columns displayed within each page of Lucidity InForm as well as those displayed in most reports can be manipulated by the system administrator. The columns displayed as well as the order in which they are displayed can be adjusted. It is important to remember that changes made to columns affect all users viewing the pages or running reports.
Individual Form Page Columns
To adjust the column configuration view for a particular form, from Lucidity InForm:
Click the 'Form Records' tab
The List All menu is the default landing page. Click the required 'Form Group'
Star Wars Galaxy Form Group has been selected in this example
Click the required form
The Daily Diary - Star Wars Galaxy form has been used in this example
The columns have changed to reflect specific details related to this individual form. In this example, the field 'Weather' is specific to the Daily Diary - Star Wars Galaxy form.
The column configuration tool can now be accessed, and the specific columns related to the selected form will be available for selection for the on-screen (list) or Excel report display
To modify the columns displayed on-screen or in Excel, click the 'Configure Columns' button to the top right of the screen
List All Page Columns
Column configuration can be managed from the 'List All' menu and from individual form groups but only very limited column options are available as it is impossible to list all options for all form fields on a single page. Only basic options that are consistent throughout all forms, such as organisational structure, created date etc are available. Therefore, navigation to the individual form is required if specific columns require configuration.