Induction Records

Induction Records


Records are created when a user is assigned any eLearn training via Lucidity Induction. eLearning can be assigned automatically via self-registration or manually by administrators and are generally associated with an organisations induction training requirements.

The Records page contains a list of all Records for all Lucidity Induction users, regardless of completion status. Records are created for whole courses, and are not created for individual modules contained within a course. 

From the Records page, administrators can:

  • View all course records for all users including whole course, individual module and assessment status and results

  • Use a variety of filters in isolation or a combination to select records to view

  • Manage individual records, including resetting failed courses

  • Export lists of records to Excel or print individual course receipts

View Course Records, Module and Assessment Results

Whole course results can be viewed from the records page. Specific filters can be used to narrow down search results. Refer to the Filters section in the Introduction page of this user guide for more details.

Individual module results can also be viewed. 

To view the results of individual modules within a particular course, from the Records page:

  1. Locate the specific record using relevant filters

  2. Click 'Actions' to the far right of the record

  3. Click 'View Results'

  4. A new window will open, displaying the individual modules from the course, along with all details including status, completion date etc. 

    1. Any failed attempts will also be viewable


  5. To drill down further into individual module results, click 'View' to the far right of the module

  6. Module results, date completed and answers to individual assessment questions (where relevant) will be displayed

  7. Click 'Back' at the bottom of the page to return to the Records page.

Add New Course Record

Courses are generally assigned to users automatically via self-registration and completed online by the user. Refer to the Self-Registration page in this user guide for more details.

There may be times when an administrator needs to enter completion records manually, for example if an induction was held in a classroom setting.

To add a new course record, from the Records page:

  1. Click 'Add New'


  2. Complete the fields (see table 'Definitions of Fields' below)

  3. Click 'Save' to save the record 

  4. The user will now have access to the selected course

The details captured for each record may vary slightly between each system configuration. Fields marked with * are mandatory



Definition of Fields


Select the course

Refer to the Courses page in this user guide for more detail


Select the user

Refer to the Users page in this user guide for more detail

Course Progress

Select the course progress

The course status displayed for records follows a traffic lights system:

Not Started*: Courses have been assigned but not started

In Progress*: Course has been commenced but remains incomplete

Completed: Course is complete

Failed*: Course has not been passed in the allowed number of attempts


Date Completed

If the course is complete, use the date selector tool to select the completion date

Expiry Date

If the course is complete but has an expiry date, use the date selector tool to select the expiry date

Edit Course Record

To edit any details of an existing record, from the Records page:

  1. Locate the specific record using relevant filters

  2. Click the record or 'edit' to the far right of the record


  3. Adjust fields as required

  4. Click 'Save'

Reset a Failed Course

Courses may be created with assessments. Assessments can have a limit on the number of attempts a user can unsuccessfully take before the course is marked as failed. For example, if the number of attempts is set to 3, the user would need to fail the assessment 3 times before the entire course is marked as failed.

When a course is failed, the user can no longer reattempt it and will need to contact an administrator for assistance. It is recommended the user is given additional training to ensure the required knowledge is obtained prior to attempting to resit the course. When ready, the course can be reset to allow the user to reattempt it.

To reset a failed course, from the records page:

  1. Locate the specific record using relevant filters

  2. Click 'Reset' to the far right of the record

  3. The course will be reset with a status of 'not started' and the user can now reattempt it

Delete Course Record

To delete a record, from the Records page:

  1. Locate the specific record using relevant filters

  2. Click 'Actions' to the far right of the record

  3. Click 'Delete'

  4. In the pop-up that appears, click 'Delete' to completely delete the record from the system


Printing Course Receipts and Generating Reports from the Records Page

Administrators can print full Excel list reports for course record details or print receipts for individual courses.

Print Receipts

To print a specific receipt (PDF) for an individual course, from the Records page:

  1. Use filters to locate the required course

  2. Click 'Action's' to the far right-hand side

  3. Two print options are available



    Both will open as a PDF and can be saved as required (Note: if the course is incomplete, the 'date completed' will be blank)

    1. Print - displays a full page receipt listing all courses and a QRG code

    2. Print Induction Card - prints an induction card showing user details, course group completed and a signature space

Excel List Report

To generate a report for a specific group of course records, from the Records page:

  1. Select the relevant filters

  2. Click 'Filter'

  3. All results will be displayed at the bottom of the screen

  4. Click 'Excel Export' to generate this report into Excel



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