On this page:
The Incident Reporting module allows you to manage the reporting and investigation of incidents that occur in your workplace
The Incident Reporting module has 2 main components: the incident Report and the incident Investigation.
- Incident Report:
- Used by site staff to enter an incident
- Contains ‘what happened’ information
- Can only be edited by an Administrator following submission
- Contains injury information – this can only be edited by an Administrator following creation of the Report
Incident Investigation:
- Is created by Managers or Administrators following submission of the Report
- Reproduces key information from the Report
- Allows updating of information from the Report, but the updates are not copied to the Report (the Report is preserved)
- Contains a Q&A style investigation and root cause
- Contains actions required and sign off
Permission setting – the permissions applicable to the Incident Reporting module are detailed below.
Reporting an Incident
The following 3 screenshots (figures 1, 2 and 3) illustrate the data required to be captured when reporting an Incident/Accident/Injury.
Enter details such as:
- who is completing the form
- who was involved in the incident and their contact details
- a description of the incident
- where the incident occurred and when
- details of witnesses and bystanders
- how the incident occurred
- what was involved in the incident and
- attach photos and documents relevant to the incident.
Report Part A (Figure 1)
[click to enlarge]
The next section of the Accident/Incident/Injury form captures details of any injury that occurred as a result of the incident.
Use the body diagram to specify the location of the injury and details of the injury.
Report Part B (Figure 2)
[click to enlarge]
The final section of the form, Part C in Figure 3 captures details regarding when, how and the cause of the incident. Attachments can also be uploaded.
Report Part C (Figure 3)
[click to enlarge]
Nearly all fields are mandatory; users are encouraged to provide as much information as they can about the incident.
If some details are unavailable at the time TBA should be put into the fields so the report is accepted (details can be added by an administrator at a later date).
Investigating an Incident
To investigate an incident select the Manage Existing left hand menu. Click the Incident Investigation edit icon to launch the Incident investigation form for
the corresponding incident report. The colour of the icon indicates the status of the incident investigation.
Red indicates – Investigation not started
Yellow indicates - Investigation in progress (started but not completed)
Green indicates – Investigation has been competed
[click to enlarge]
The incident Investigation form Part A is detailed below.
[click to enlarge]
The sections highlighted are transferred from the Report. Edits made in the incident Investigation are not reflected in the Report.
The information that was initially entered in the Report is preserved, and can only be edited by an administrator.
The incident Investigation form Part B is detailed below.
This section of the Investigation provides a Q&A style investigation of what occurred to assist in determining root cause and subsequently corrective actions.
Incident Investigation Form Part B
[click to enlarge]
The incident Investigation form Part C is where the root cause is detailed, actions are recorded and closeout is carried out.
The ‘By Whom’ for each action is free text, allowing actionees to be people that do not have user accounts within CS Intranet.
This provides maximum flexibility – the report can be emailed to actionees as a PDF or printed and passed to them for actioning.
A Responsible Manager monitors implementation and ensures follow up of outstanding actions.
Close out is a 2 stage process, requiring the Responsible Manager to sign off on completion, as well as the HSE office or equivalent to confirm
that the incident can be closed. Only after HSE office signoff is the incident marked as closed in the list and indicated as green.
Incident Investigation Form Part C
[click to enlarge]
Incident Notifications
The Incident Reporting Module allows email notification to be automatically generated, notifying relevant persons that a new incident has been entered. These are accessed from the Administrator icon (
Select the Incident Notifications tab (far right). You will be able to view the list of current notifications, and add new notifications.
To configure a User to receive Notifications, follow these steps:
- Select the User who is to receive the Notifications.
- Select the Location which you would like to limit the Notifications to. Leave this blank if the User is to receive Notifications for all Locations.
- Select the Client which you would like to limit the Notifications to. Leave this blank if the User is to receive Notifications for all Clients.
- Select the Injury Classifications that you would like the User to receive Notifications for. Leave this blank (select nothing) for ALL Injury Classifications.
- Select the Incident Categories that you would like the User to receive Notifications for. Leave this blank (select nothing) for ALL Incident Categories.
- Click save when you are finished. The new Notification will now appear in the list.
Selecting All Injury Classifications and Incident Categories