- Insert Row Before – inserts a new row before the one that contains the cursor.
- Insert Row After – inserts a new row after the one that contains the cursor.
- Delete Rows – deletes a row that contains the cursor.
Note that CKEditor makes it possible to select multiple table cells by dragging the mouse over them, so an operation like deletion may be applied to many table rows at once.
- Insert Column Before – inserts a new column before the one that contains the cursor.
- Insert Column After – inserts a new column after the one that contains the cursor.
- Delete Columns – deletes a column that contains the cursor.
Note that CKEditor makes it possible to select multiple table cells by dragging the mouse over them, so an operation like deletion may be applied to many table columns at once.
- Split Cell Horizontally – splits the selected cell in two, creating a new cell on its right. The content of the cell appears in the original, left cell. This option is only available if no more than one cell is selected.
- Split Cell Vertically – splits the selected cell in two, creating a new cell on its bottom. The content of the cell appears in the original, upper cell. This option is only available if no more than one cell is selected.
- Cell Properties – opens the Cell Properties dialog window that lets you configure cell size, type, color, and content alignment.
Note that CKEditor makes it possible to select multiple table cells by dragging the mouse over them, so an operation like deletion or merging may be applied to many table rows at once