All files containing that word in their file name or added as a Tag will display on the screen.
Hyperlink to Documents in the Management System - using Firefox
Documents within the Management System can be linked from within Word documents via hyperlinks.
Note: The address should look something like: https://cruse/company_name.integralcs.com/download/output/check/24543e53435/232
Hyperlink to Documents in the Management System - using Internet Explorer
Documents within the Management System can be linked from within Word documents via hyperlinks.
To obtain the appropriate address for the hyperlink:
- 'Right click' on the the document name
- 'Left click' on Copy Shortcut
- Go into the Source Document (where you want to insert the link) and type in the text that you want to be 'click-able', e.g. CS Competency Flyer
- Highlight 'CS Competency Flyer', right click and select 'Hyperlink'
- In the 'Insert Hyperlink' text box, paste the link to the CS Competency Flyer (obtained via 'copy shortcut' earlier) into the Address bar
- Click 'Ok'
Note: The address should look something like: https://cruse/company_name.integralcs.com/download/output/check/24543e53435/232