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General Incident TitleEnter a brief title for the Incidentincident
Incident DetailDate of IncidentUse the date selector tool or enter the date of the incident (defaults to date entered)

Time of IncidentUse the time selector tool or enter the time of the incident (defaults to time entered)

DescriptionEnter a brief description on the Incidentincident

Is this a work related incident?Select 'Yes' or 'No'
Admin DetailsTime ReportedUse the time selector tool or enter the time the incident was reported
Incident Categories

Injury, Environment, Theft, Plant, Property, Process, Drug / Alcohol, Security, Near Miss, Other

Select all relevant Incident Categoriesincident categories

If any of the Incident Categories incident categories are selected, a sub-pages (one for each Incident Categoryincident category) will also need to be populated on the next screen

Other InformationWork Activity Performed

Select the type of work activity performed

For example: Access access and Egressegress, Earthworksearthworks

Sources of Hazard in Incident

Select the source of the hazard

For example: Physical Environmentphysical environment, Plant plant and Equipmentequipment

Primary Hazard

Select the primary hazard

For example: Bites bites and Stingsstings, Chemicalschemicals, Dustdust, Heatheat

Are there any secondary hazards?

Select 'Yes' or 'No'

Secondary Hazards

Appears only when 'Yes' is selected for above question.

Click 'Add' to select 1 or more secondary hazards

Actual Incident Category

Select the actual Incident incident category

For example: 1 - Insignificant, 4 - Major

Potential Incident Category

Select the potential Incident incident category

For example: 1 - Insignificant, 4 - Major

Is this a Contractor Incident?Select 'Yes' or 'No'

Contractor Involved

Appears only when 'Yes' is selected for above question.

Click 'Add' to select 1 or more Contractorscontractors

Is this a regulatory notifiable incident?Select 'Yes' or 'No'

Regulatory Notifications

Appears only when 'Yes' is selected for above question.

Click 'Add' to select 1 or more Regulatory Notificationsregulatory notifications:

  1. Select the Organisationorganisation
  2. Use the date selector tool or enter the date the organisation was notified
  3. Use the time selector tool or enter the time the incident was reported
  4. Enter the Receipt receipt number if applicable
  5. Click 'Save and New' to enter an additional Regulatory Notification regulatory notification or click 'Save' to continue

Have any notices been issued?Select 'Yes' or 'No'


Appears only when 'Yes' is selected for above question.

Click 'Add' to select 1 or more Noticesnotices:

  1. Select the Organisationorganisation
  2. Use the date selector tool or enter the date the organisation was notified
  3. Use the time selector tool or enter the time the incident was reported
  4. Enter the Receipt receipt number if applicable
  5. Click 'Save and New' to enter an additional Notice notice or click 'Save' to continue

Persons Involved

Add names of all people involved in the Incidentincident, including those not part of the organisation

Click 'Add' to add 1 or more names:

  1. Select the person's name from the drop-down list or type their name if it doesn't appear in the list
  2. Select the type of person (for example: Public)
  3. Type any other relevant details
  4. Click 'Save and New' to enter an additional person or click 'Save' to continue


Add names of all people who witnessed (were not directly involved in) the Incidentincident, including those not part of the organisation

Click 'Add' to add 1 or more names:

  1. Select the person's name from the drop-down list or type their name if it doesn't appear in the list
  2. Select the type of person (for example: Public)
  3. Type any other relevant details
  4. Click 'Save and New' to enter an additional witness or click 'Save' to continue


This section summarises the information required to be entered in each Incident incident category. The information is used in reporting and statistics and it is therefore important to enter as much information as accurately as possible, even for non-mandatory fields where relevant.


SectionDefinitionImage (click to enlarge)
Injured Person's DetailsSelect or enter the injured person's name and employment status

Shift InformationOutlines the shift and working conditions of the injured person. Fields include the shift type, length, number of days since break etc.

Injury InformationProvides the detail on the injury, including severity and actions. Fields include the injury severity, immediate and first aid action provided, the injury nature etc. 

Body Part Injured

The interactive body map can be used to illustrate the injured area of the body.

Click on the injured body part - either in the diagram or the name. 

Injury OutcomeSummarises follow up treatment and condition. Fields include questions relating to the injured person's current work and medical status.

The new Injury Report injury report will be listed on the left-hand side of the screen by the injured person's name and is editable from here:


SectionDefinitionImage (click to enlarge)
GeneralGeneral information on the Environmental Incident environmental incident and action taken

Land ContaminationWhen 'Yes' is selected, additional fields appear including contaminant type, name, volume released etc

Water Contamination/ DischargeWhen 'Yes' is selected, additional fields appear including contaminant type, name, volume released etc


When 'Yes' is selected, the option to add details on each item of Flora flora affected appear

Click 'Add' to add flora species and enter details such as botanical name, number affected etc


When 'Yes' is selected, the option to add details on each item of Fauna fauna affected appear

Click 'Add' to add flora species and enter details such as botanical name, number affected etc

As above
Erosion and SedimentWhen 'Yes' is selected, additional fields appear including release source, type etc

Solids and Other WastesWhen 'Yes' is selected, additional fields appear including waste type, volume etc

Archaeological or CulturalWhen 'Yes' is selected, additional fields appear including if Indigenous, site name etc


SectionDefinitionImage (click to enlarge)
GeneralEnter details relating to the Plant plant damage, including immediate action taken

Plant DetailsClick 'Add' to list all plant damaged and add details such as plant rego, owner, operator name etc
