Incident User Guide
Lucidity Incident is a centralised system for managing issues according to their type and nature of risk. It has a database and built-in workflow, enabling consistency in the way issues are managed across the organisation and allows for the reporting, investigation & mitigation of incidents & issues.
Non-conformance, incidents, improvement opportunities, customer complaints and hazards are tracked and managed by category and area within the organisation.
The action management system enables nominated managers to allocate responsibility to individuals to carry out certain tasks (investigations, preventative and corrective measures), meaning the current status of each issue can be tracked and reported.
Audits are managed via their own dedicated register, with links to non-conformance, improvement opportunities and fully integrated action management.
The Lucidity App provides a mobile platform for reporting incidents and hazards. Report whether online or out of range. Full access to the mobile device camera for seamlessly attaching photos. Search for 'Lucidity Software' on the Apple and Google Play stores.