Reporting Structure

Reporting Structure

Lucidity includes a common Reporting Structure throughout all modules and the Lucidity App. It allows all information that is captured in the system to be filtered, exported and analysed consistently.

The Reporting Structure consists of two parts:

  • Organisation Structure

  • Projects

Standard Reporting Structure

The standard Reporting Structure is illustrated below:


Up to four Organisation Structure elements are available if required (three are illustrated above). The label of each element can be modified during implementation and at any time in the future. The entries in each list are managed via the Access module by Administrators.

The label of the Project element can also be modified if the business uses a term such as Work Order, Job etc.

Project Archiving

Projects can be archived after they a no longer active. This removes the Project from the default list when viewed within a filter, or when entering new records. Archived Projects can be un-archived if required, and can still be used for reporting by appropriate filter settings.
The Project list can be used to track Work Order, Jobs or any activity of that nature. The Project label can be updated to reflect preferred business terminology.

Organisation Structure Tiering

Tiering of Organisation Structure elements is available as an option. With this configuration in order to select an entry from a lower level element, such as Department in the example above, it would first be necessary to select a Division and then a Business Unit. It is also possible to tier 2 elements and have a third un-tiered. This would support business structures such as:

  • Division > Location

  • Department

In this instance Division > Location may geographically describe the part of the business that entered the record, while Department might be a functional element with options such as ‘Construction’ and ‘Maintenance’ etc. These options allow flexibility in reporting across the organisation.


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