Contractor Documents
In this page:
Related pages:
The Document page lists all required, returned, pending and approved documents associated with all contractor's in the system.
From the Document page, administrators can:
Add, edit and delete documents
Review documents submitted by contractors and approve or return them
Generate reports on all contractor documents in the system
Add New Document
Video: Add New Document
To add a new document, from the Document page:
Click 'Add New'
Complete the fields (see table 'Definitions of Fields below)
Click 'Save' to save the document
The details captured for each document may vary slightly between each system configuration. Fields marked with*are mandatory.
Definition of Fields
There are a range of fields that can be used to categorise documents. These can assist when filtering or sorting documents and can be edited via the Settings tab.
Name | Definition |
Company Name | Select the name of the company |
Document Type | Select the document type |
Issuer Name | Enter the issuer name |
Issue Date | Use the date selector tool or enter the issue date |
Expiry Date | Use the date selector tool or enter the expiry date All expiry dates for documents will display as grey until approved. Once a document is approved, expiry dates will: (a) Turn Red when the expiry date has passed (b) Turn Orange 30 days prior to the expiry date or (c) Remain Green at all other times |
Document Number | Enter the document number |
Notes | Add any relevant notes for the document |
Lapsed | Tick if the document is to be lapsed This will change the date of the document to grey, indicating it is a lapsed document. Note existing documents will automatically be lapsed if a new document of the same type is uploaded and:
Upload a File | Upload a copy of the document
Refer to the Uploading Files in Lucidity Modules user guide page for more details. |
Comments | Add any relevant comments for the document |
Document Status | Select document status as Approved, Pending, Returned or Required Refer to the Contractor Self-Service page in this user guide for more details. |
Edit Documents
Video: Edit and Delete Documents
To edit an existing document, from the Document page:
Locate the specific document using relevant filters
Click 'Edit' to the far right of the document
Adjust fields as required
Click 'Save'
Delete Documents
To delete an existing document, from the Document page:
Locate the specific document using relevant filters
Click 'Actions' to the far right of the document
Click 'Delete'
Confirm the deletion
Deleting Documents
Deleting a document cannot be undone - always use the delete function with caution. Deleting a document will also delete all attachments associated with it. It is recommended documents are lapsed rather than deleted.
If a document is deleted in error, a new entry will need to be created.
Reporting from the Document Page
An Excel list report is available from the Documents page. Reports will reflect filtered search options as displayed on the lower half of the Document page.
To generate a report, from the Document page:
Click 'Show Filters'
Select the relevant filters
Click 'Filter'
All results will be displayed at the bottom of the screen
Click 'Excel Export' to generate this report into Excel