Contractor Classification & Self-Service
Video: Contractor Classification Self-Service Webinar
Watch the video to view a 20 minute comprehensive training Webinar focusing on all aspects of Contractor Classification & Self-Service configuration option in Lucidity Contractor.
NOTE: This Webinar was recorded in May 2019. Any updates to the Contractor Classification & Self-Service configuration option since then will not be included.
The Contractor Classification and Self-Service configuration option enables a company to specify what documents are required for each contractor. The contractor can then log in and upload the required documents into Lucidity Contractor. This is then followed by a validation process performed by an internal manager or administrator. Having contractors add their own documentation helps to lighten the administrative burden on the organisation's administrators.
The functionality illustrated on this page is a configuration option available within the Lucidity Contractor module. Please contact Lucidity Software if you would like this configuration enabled.
There are several steps required in the process to ensure it works effectively. These are outlined in the flow chart below and explained in detail throughout the rest of this section.
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Step 1: Set up Access Roles
System administrators will need to create additional access roles and assign privileges for Lucidity Contractor in order for the Contractor Classification & Self-Service feature to work. These are created in Lucidity Access. For further details on how to create roles and assign privileges, refer to the Lucidity Roles page in the Lucidity Access user guide.
Step 2: Create Company Classifications
Company classifications are created to specify the documents required from a contractor. For example, a contractor classified as low risk may only be required to submit a single document, whereas a high risk contractor may need three or more documents.
The number of classifications that can be created is unlimited, however only one classification can be allocated to a contractor.
Organisations can determine the exact classifications required and, once a contractor is allocated a classification, placeholders for the required documents are automatically generated and a notification to the contractor is sent. In addition, placeholders and notifications are automatically generated when:
a document status changes to expiring
A new document type is added to a classification that is already assigned to contractor
The assigned classification for a contractor changes and, as a result, there are new document requirements
To create a company classification, from the Settings tab:
Select the Company Classification page from the menu on the left-hand side
Click 'Add New'
In the screen that appears, enter the name and description for the company classification
Select all the relevant Document Types
These are the documents a contractor will need to add if they are allocated the classification. The documents required need to already exist within the document type managed list (see the Settings page within this user guide for more details)
Click 'Save' to save the classification
Step 3: Set Contractor Classification
Each contractor can now be allocated a company classification and the required documents will automatically be listed as required.
To set the classification, from the Contractor page:
Use filters to locate the contractor (or create new as relevant)
Click 'Edit' to the far right-hand side of the contractor
Select the relevant classification from the drop-down for the 'Company Classification' filter.
Click 'Save'.
The required documents will now be listed under the contractor's 'Document' page with a document approval status of 'Required.'
Additional document approval status's may be displayed if documents already existed for the contractor. These include:
Status | Meaning |
Approved | Document has been reviewed by someone with approve permissions and the document approval status set to Approved |
Returned | Document has been reviewed by someone with approve permissions and the document approval status set to Returned |
Pending | Document has been uploaded by a user with edit permissions and is waiting to be approved |
Required | Document is a placeholder, created as a result of a company classification being applied or when a document starts expiring. These entries are automatically created |
By using the column configuration tool, adding several columns on the Contractor page may assist managers and admins in determine the status of contractors. These are described in the table below.
Refer to the Column Configuration user guide for more information.
Column | Meaning |
Classification Document Status | Shows the number of documents required and their status, as determined by the company classification. The first number shows the number of document approved, second number shows the number of documents required 2 / 2 = All documents are approved and have an expiry date more than 30 days in the future 2 / 2 = One or more approved documents has an expiry date less than 30 days in the future 1 / 2 = Not all required documents have been uploaded or approved (will always show as red) OR a required document has expired |
All Documents Status | Provides a high level summary of the expiry status of all documents, not just those required by the company classification. Current = All approved documents are more than one month from expiring or have no expiry date Expiring = One or more approved documents are less than one month from expiring Expired = One or more approved documents have an expiry date in the past Pending = One or more documents have a status of required, returned or pending. Indicates an action from the contractor is required (eg - upload a document) or from an admin (eg - approve documents) Blank = If no status displays it is because there are no documents to assess |
Awaiting Approval | Shows the number of documents that have been uploaded, but not yet approved. This includes all documents, not just documents required by the company classification. |
Company Classification | Displays in a column the company classification that has been assigned to a contractor. |
Document Approval Status | Displays the stage within the approval process each individual document is at. Required = The document needs to be uploaded by the contractor Pending = The document has been uploaded by the contractor and is waiting to be approved by Admin Approved = The document has been approved by admin Returned = The document has been reviewed and returned by the admin and a request sent to the contractor. The request may be to provide additional information or to indicate an incorrect upload |
Step 4: Upload Documents
Once steps 1-3 have been completed, the contractor is now able to enter their own documents into Lucidity Contractor by:
Log into Lucidity Contractor using the details provided by the system admin
Click the 'Documents' menu on the left hand side
Identify the documents that need uploading by referring to the document approval status
Use filters if required
Those with a required or returned status need uploading
click 'Edit' to the right-hand side of the document to be uploaded OR
Click 'Add New' to enter a document not already listed
Populate all fields as relevant, referring to the Definitions of Fields listed below
Click 'Save' to save the document
the document will be listed as 'Pending' as it requires validation from an admin before being approved
Definition of Fields
Name | Definition |
Company Name | Select the name of the company (may be pre-populated) |
Document Type | Select the document type (may be pre-populated) |
Issuer Name | Enter the issuer name |
Issue Date | Use the date selector tool or enter the issue date |
Expiry Date | Use the date selector tool or enter the expiry date All expiry dates for documents will display as grey until approved. Once a document is approved, expiry dates will: (a) Turn Red when the expiry date has passed (b) Turn Orange 30 days prior to the expiry date or (c) Remain Green at all other times |
Document Number | Enter the document number |
Notes | Add any relevant notes for the document |
Lapsed | Tick if the document is to be lapsed This will change the date of the document to grey, indicating it is a lapsed document. Note: This will be will be read-only for contractors and can only be altered by an Administrator |
Upload a File | Upload a copy of the document
Refer to the Uploading Files in Lucidity Modules user guide page for more details. |
Comments | Add any relevant comments for the document |
Document Status | Document status will be automatically set to required or pending and cannot be changed by the contractor |
Step 5. Validate Documents
Managers or administrators need to validate the document before the document approval status is set to approved. This is to ensure the details the contractor has entered are correct and meets all requirements. After validating the document, the manager or administrator can either approve or return it.
To locate documents that are pending, from the Documents page:
Click the 'Document Approval Status' filter
Select 'Pending'
Click 'Filter' to display all pending tickets
This Filter also allows for approved and returned tickets to be viewed
Additional filters can be applied if the search returns too many results
To review a pending document:
Click 'Edit' on the far right-hand side of the document
Open the document attachment and check all details have been entered correctly
There is the option for the manager or local administrator to update the ticket details at this stage if required
Change the approval status to either approved or returned
If return is selected, a comment box will appear
Enter details so the contractor knows what they need to correct
Click 'Save'
Step 6: Edit Returned Documents
Documents returned to the contractor need to be edited and corrected. The contractor can do this by:
Identify the relevant document with the returned status
Click 'Edit'
Review the comments from the approver and correct the document details as required
Click 'Save'
Step 7: Approved
Once all documents are approved, the all document status on the Contractor Page changes to current and there is no further action required by the contractor at this point.
The all document status will not change until:
A new document is added to the contractor classification and a placeholder with a required status has been generated
The contractor classification assigned to the contractor is changed. Placeholders with a required status will be generated for all new documents needed
A document is coming up to expiry (within 30 days of expiration date) and a new placeholder with a required status has been generated
When one of these scenarios occurs the Document Approval process is triggered and the contractor will receive an email notification. In turn, administrators will either receive an email notification or an email report, to let them know when documents need approving.