Intranet Dashboard

Intranet Dashboard

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The Dashboard page is comprised of several different sections. These may vary between each system configuration.

  • News Items

  • My actions

  • My forms

  • Links panel

News Items

News items can consist of internal messages for employees as well as external news items such as safety alerts. Text, images, links and videos can all be incorporated into news items. Administrators can create new news items and edit or delete existing items.


The page numbers along the bottom of the news feed can be used to view older news items.

Add News Item

To add a News item, from the Dashboard:

  1. Click the 'Edit' icon 

    in the top right-hand corner of the news feed

  2. Click 'Add'

  3. Complete the fields (see tables 'Definitions of Fields' below) 

  4. Click 'Save'

Definition of Fields






Enter the news item title


Pinned news items will remain at the top of every users news page. More than 1 news item can be pinned at any given time.


Enter all content for the news item, including Web links, documents, images and videos, using the styling tools available (refer to the Styling Tools page within this user guide for more details)

Use the enlarge tool  to make the viewing pane larger


Edit News Item

To edit a news item, from the Dashboard:

  1. Click the 'Edit' icon 

    in the top right-hand corner of the news feed

  2. Click the relevant news item or click 'Edit' on the far right-hand side 

  3. Edit the news item as required 

  4. Click 'Save'

Delete News Item

To delete a news item, from the Dashboard:

  1. Click the 'Edit' icon 

    in the top right-hand corner of the news feed

  2. Click 'Delete' on the far right-hand side 


  3. The news item will be deleted

Deleting News Items

There is no confirmation step when deleting news items. As soon as the first 'delete' button is clicked, the news item will be deleted, and this cannot be undone. Always use the delete function with caution.

My Actions

The My Actions panel on the Dashboard provides the end-user with a summary of all actions from the all Lucidity Software modules that require action. Short cuts are provided to add, view and delete actions.

Refer to the Actions section in the Shared Features page within this user guide or the Actions user guide for more details.

Accessing Actions

The My Actions panel only displays to end-users who have access to the Actions module. These can be adjusted in Lucidity Access by system administrators.

My Forms

The My Forms panel on the Dashboard provides the end-user with a summary of all forms from Lucidity InForm that require action. Clicking on an item in the My Forms list will open Lucidity InForm, where the user can complete the form as required.

Refer to the Lucidity InForm user guide for more details.

Links Panel

Video: Links Panel

Commonly used links in the organisation can be added to the Dashboard in the links panel for ease of access for end-users.

To manage the links panel:

  1. Click the edit 

    icon on the top right-hand corner of the links panel

  2. In the pop-up window:

    1. Change the widget title

    2. Add a new link by clicking the plus button and adding a link title, URL and thumbnail (see thumbnail instructions below)

      1. Note: URLs can be direct links to external Web pages or to pages within Lucidity Software such as a new incident in Lucidity Incident, completing a leave form in Lucidity InForm, induction eLearning in Lucidity Competency etc.

    3. Delete an existing link by clicking the blue X next to the link

    4. Reorder the links by clicking and dragging

  3. Click 'OK' to save changes

Links as Thumbnails

The thumbnail field is optional and can be used to enter the URL of an image that will be displayed within the links panel in place of a text link. This allows the end-user to click the image to follow the link. Examples could be a PDF icon or screenshot of the front page of a newsletter that is being published.

The thumbnail URL can be a link to an image that is available on the internet, or an image that is located in the Filing Cabinet of Lucidity Intranet.  

To link to an image in the Filing Cabinet:

  1. Follow instructions in the Filing Cabinet page of this user guide to upload the image to be used as the thumbnail

  2. From the Filing Cabinet, locate and select the image

  3. Right click on the 'Open' option

  4. Select 'Copy link address'

  5. Navigate back to the edit screen of the links panel

  6. Paste the image link into the thumbnail placeholder

  7. Click 'OK'

Check Thumbnail Size

Ensure that the image is no larger than about 120 pixels wide, as the image will display as full size in the links panel. If the image is too large, use an image editing tool to resize it and re-upload the reduced sized version into the Filing Cabinet.

Additional Link Widgets

Additional Link boxes can be added to the Dashboard. This can be useful to separate links of different types. Contact Lucidity Support to have additional Link boxes enabled.



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