Intranet Filing Cabinet

Intranet Filing Cabinet



The Filling Cabinet provides a flexible record keeping system with enhanced access controls. Documents can be added and viewed offsite and can be site or project specific. 

Filing Cabinet Basics

  • The Filing Cabinet is made up of a directory of folders and files - in a very similar way to a folder directory on a computer or network drive but with enhanced access controls

  • Sub-folders can be created to better manage documents

  • Folders can be scoped to restrict access to particular groups of end-users

  • The Filing Cabinet generally comprises of two top level folders - the Document Vault and the Filing Cabinet

    • The Document Vault is usually reserved for documents which are part of the Management System and are typically not edited or changed regularly. Generally, only system admins will have access to the Document Vault. It is recommended all company documents, especially those linked to news items or the Management System are saved here so administrators retain complete control over them. It is also advisable to have the folder structure match the layout of the management system for easy location of files.

    • The Filing Cabinet can be used for all end-users for general document storage, such as project or site-specific documents, as a shared work space (similar to One Drive, Google Drive or Dropbox) or for documents needing to be accessed offsite.

Managing Folders

Administrators can add, edit, move, copy and delete folders within both the Document Vault and the Filing Cabinet.

Add Folder

To add a new folder, from the Filing Cabinet tab:

  1. Select the relevant parent folder the new folder is to sit under in the directory, for example, the Filing Cabinet folder

  2. Click 'Add Folder'

  3. Give the folder an appropriate name

  4. Click 'OK' to save the folder

  5. The new folder will be saved in alphabetical order in the directory under the selected parent folder

Edit Folder

To edit a folder, from the Filing Cabinet tab:

  1. Select the relevant folder from the directory

  2. Click 'Edit' in the top right-hand corner

  3. Edit the folder name as required

  4. Click 'OK' to save the folder

Move Folder

Folders can be moved so they sit under different parent folders.

To move a folder, from the Filing Cabinet tab:

  1. Select the relevant folder from the directory

  2. Click 'Move' in the top right-hand corner

  3. In the pop-up window, select the new location for the folder

  4. Click 'OK' to move the folder

Copy Folder

If a similar folder needs to be created, an existing folder can be copied. All content of the folder will also be copied, including sub-folders and files.

To copy a folder, from the Filing Cabinet tab:

  1. Select the relevant folder from the directory

  2. Click 'Copy' in the top right-hand corner

  3. From the pop-up window, select the location for the new folder

  4. Click 'OK'


  5. Navigate to the new folder within the directory

  6. Rename the folder by using the edit function

Delete Folder

To delete a folder, from the Filing Cabinet tab:

  1. Select the relevant folder from the directory

  2. Click 'Delete' in the top right-hand corner

  3. Click 'OK' to confirm the deletion

Deleting Folders

Once a folder has been deleted, it CANNOT be retrieved. If a folder is deleted by mistake, it will need to be recreated. Always use the delete function with caution.

An alternative to deleting folders that are no longer required is to create an archived folder. Use the archived folder as the parent for any folders no longer required.

Managing Files

Generally, as a minimum, end-users with permissions to the Filing Cabinet can open and search for files within the Filing Cabinet folder. Administrators can add, edit, update, add reviews, move, copy, delete and generate links for files within both the Document Vault and the Filing Cabinet. Files can be images, documents, spreadsheets, presentations etc. 

Refer to the Uploading/Managing Files within the Help Centre for more details on types of files that can be uploaded.

Open and Search Files

To search for and open a file, from the Filing Cabinet tab:

  1. Either:

    1. Navigate through the directly until the required file is located OR

    2. Use the Search function to locate the file

      1. Type the name of the file or a word(s) within the title of the file into the Search window at the top right-hand side of screen and hit 'Enter'

      2. A list of results will be displayed, including the folder the file is located in. Click the file to open the location within the Filing Cabinet

  2. Once the file is located and selected, click 'Open' in the top right-hand corner

  3. The document will open. Follow your specific browser and computer processes to view the document

Add/ Upload Files

To add/ upload a file to a folder within the Filing Cabinet tab:

  1. Store the file on a computer or network drive (a file cannot be added directly from an email for example)

  2. From the Filing Cabinet, select the relevant folder from the directory where the file is to be stored

  3. Drag and drop the file directly into the folder in the Filing Cabinet

  4. Alternatively, use the 'Add File' button in the top left-hand side of the screen to add files.


Multiple Files

Files can be uploaded in bulk. Simply select all required files and drag and drop into the folder location within Lucidity Intranet's Filing Cabinet.

Generate File Links

Often it is necessary to link to a file that is located within the Filing Cabinet, to share a document with a client for example. These links can take two forms:

  1. Private Links: end-user must have access to Lucidity Intranet to download the file

  2. Public Links: anyone with the link can download the file

To generate a file link, from the Filing Cabinet tab:

  1. Locate and select the required file

  2. Click the black arrow next the Open in the top right-hand corner

  3. Click 'Generate Share Link'

  4. In the pop-up window, click 'Make Public' if the link is to be made public. By default, the link will be private.

  5. Copy the link by copying the text or clicking the copy 


  6. Click 'Remove Link' if the file is not required to be shared any longer (a new link will need to be generated and distributed to re-share the file)

Edit and Update Files and Add Tags

Files can be updated to the same location, rather than deleting old versions and uploading from scratch. This is the recommended approach as any links used elsewhere, such as in news items and multiple locations within the Management System are not affected - ie: existing links will continue to open the updated file and don't need to be changed. It is recommended to create a copy of the original document and save in an archive folder to retain version history prior to updating the file.

Tags allow for easier search functionality. For example, a file named 'HR Policy' may include an organisation's leave policy. However, an end-user searching for 'leave' will not find the file. Adding 'leave' as a tag to the file means it will be found when searched for.

To archive and edit a file, update a file or add a tag, from the Filing Cabinet tab:

  1. Locate and select the required file

  2. Follow the 'Copy File' steps listed below to place a copy of the original document into an 'Archive' folder

  3. From the original document, click 'Edit' in the top right-hand corner

  4. In the pop-up window, rename the file as required

  5. Add required tags

  6. Click 'Upload File' to upload a new version of the file

  7. Click 'OK' to save the changes


  8. Tags will be displayed on screen next to the associated file

Add Review (Alerts) to Files

Files can be assigned to actionees' for review on a regular basis. For example, a buildings OH&S policy may need to be reviewed after 12 months to ensure the list of fire wardens is still accurate. 

To add a review to a file, from the Filing Cabinet tab:

  1. Locate and select the required file

  2. Click 'Review' in the top right-hand corner

  3. Select the Actionees responsible for reviewing the file

    1. Note: more than 1 actionee can be selected

  4. Enter the details for the review and notes for the actionee(s)

  5. Select the due date from the calendar tool

  6. Click 'OK' to save the review

  7. A summary of the review applied will be displayed

    1. Click the Edit 

      icon to edit or delete the review

    2. Click 'Add another review' to add an additional review date to the same file

    3. Click 'Close' to close the review screen

  8. A clock icon will display on screen next to all files with review's set

  9. The action item will appear on each actionee's action list with a link to the file

Move Files

Files saved in the wrong folder can easily be moved to a new location.

To move a file, from the Filing Cabinet tab:

  1. Locate and select the required file

  2. Click 'Move' in the top right-hand corner

  3. In the pop-up window, locate the new location (folder)

  4. Click 'OK' to move the file

Copy Files

To copy a file, from the Filing Cabinet tab:

  1. Locate and select the required file

  2. Click 'Copy' in the top right-hand corner

  3. From the pop-up window, select the location for the new folder

  4. Click 'OK'


  5. Navigate to the new file within the directory

  6. Rename the file by using the Edit function

Delete Files

To delete a file, from the Filing Cabinet tab:

  1. Locate and select the required file

  2. Click 'Delete' in the top right-hand corner

  3. Click 'OK' to confirm the deletion

Deleting Files

Once a file has been deleted, it CANNOT be retrieved. If a file is deleted by mistake, it will need to be re-uploaded. Always use the delete function with caution.

An alternative to deleting files that are no longer required is to create an archived folder. Use the archived folder to store any files no longer required.




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