RTW Cases
In this page:
- 1.1 View RTW Case
- 1.2 Add New Case
- 1.2.1 1) Admin Details
- 1.2.2 2) Medical & Case Management Details
- 1.2.3 3) Medical Certificates
- 1.2.4 4) Return to Work (RTW) Plans
- 1.2.5 5) Progress Report
- 1.2.6 6) Costs
- 1.2.7 7) Summary Logs
- 1.3 Add, Edit and Delete Items in Sections
- 1.4 Reporting on Cases and Case Sections
Related pages:
The Cases menu is the central hub where all RTW cases and related information is stored.
From the Cases page of Lucidity RTW, administrators can:
View existing RTW Cases and associated sections including:
Employee/ claim details
Contact details
Pre-Injury position
Insurer details
RTW coordinator management
Medical management
Medical certificates
RTW plans
Progress reports
Summary logs
Add new RTW cases
Edit existing RTW cases
Delete existing RTW cases
Generate reports on RTW cases
View RTW Case
To view an existing RTW case, from the Case page:
Click 'Show Filters'
Use Filters as required to locate the case
Click 'Edit' to the far right, or click anywhere on the line item
Sections Overview
When a case is opened, a menu on the left-hand side of screen appears showing the sections and sub-sections that each RTW case is divided into. Click on each section to view various aspects of the case.
More information can be found on each section further below in this user guide.
Section | Sub-Section | Information Recorded |
Admin | Employee / Claim Details | Basic employee information including organisation, basic injury information, home address details and any related incident report |
| Contact Details | Work, home, supervisor and other contact information |
| Pre-injury Position | Details regarding pre-injury position |
| Insurer Details | Insurer and case manager (insurers representative) information. Note that case managers are recorded against each specific insurer |
Medical & Case Management | RTW Coordination Management | Details of the company return to work coordinator managing the case (past and present) |
| Medical Management | Details of doctors and other practitioners associated with the case (past and present) |
Medical Certificates |
| Details of medical certificates associated with the case, including the status of each certificate and the date range it applies to |
Return to Work Plans |
| Create return to work plans for a specific period. Plans can be printed for signature from this menu |
Progress Reports |
| Progress reports and a log of correspondence activities associated with the case |
Costs |
| Summary of costs incurred against the case |
Summary Log |
| Detailed log of edits made to the case (automatically generated) |
Add New Case
To create a new RTW case, from the Case page:
Click 'Add New'
Each section of the case opens with a new page. Complete the fields (refer to 'Definitions of Fields' below for each section)
Click 'Save and Next' to move through each section of the case until the final section is reached
Click 'Save' at any time throughout the process to save details entered so far and return to the list of cases
The case can be returned to and completed at any time
Section Details
There are 11 separate sections in total that can be completed for the RTW case. There are a range of filters that can be used within each section page. These can assist when filtering or sorting cases and can be edited via the Settings tab.
The details captured for each section of a case may vary slightly between each system configuration. Fields marked with * are mandatory
1) Admin Details
Video: Sections - Admin Details
The admin section of the RTW case contains administrative details on the injured employee such as their contact details, basic injury details and their case manager. The admin section is divided into four sub-sections.
HR Profile
The injured person must have a profile in Lucidity HR in order to have a case entered. Once selected, details from the person's HR profile will automatically update into relevant fields within the claim. These can be edited or changed if required but any updates made will not be transferred to the user's HR profile.
When a discrepancy between the value entered into the RTW case and the value in Lucidity HR is found, a warning message will appear:
The administrator can make changes to ensure the fields match or, if required, continue with the knowledge that different details are being entered.
1a) Employee/ Claim Details
In this section, enter basic employee information including organisation, basic injury information, home address details and any related incident report.
Definition of Fields
Name | Definition |
Person | Select the person the case relates to |
Date of Injury | Type or use the calendar selector to enter the date of the injury |
Claim No. | Enter claim number (this is an internal number) |
Cost Centre Code | Select the cost centre code the claim will be costed to |
Claim Status | Select the status of the claim For example: approved, closed, submitted or declined |
Home Email | Enter the person's home email address (may be pre-populated) This may be used for correspondence in a case where the person is unable to attend the workplace |
Organisation Details | Enter the person's organisation details such as division, business unit etc (may be pre-populated) |
Date of Birth | Type or use the calendar selector to enter the date of the injury (may be pre-populated) |
Address | Enter the person's home address into the address fields (may be pre-populated) |
Estimated Cost of Claim | Use the 'Add' button to enter details for any estimated costs associated with the claim. More than 1 entry can be made, and each entry can be edited as required Note: there is a separate section in the case where actual costs are recorded |
Related Incident Report | If an incident report has been recorded in Lucidity Incident, the related report can be selected as a point of reference |
Date Claim Lodged with Employer | Type or use the calendar selector to enter the date the claim was lodged with the employer |
1b) Contact Details
In this section, enter work, home, supervisor and other contact information of the injured person.
Definition of Fields
Section | Definition |
Personal Contact Details | Enter the person's home phone number, mobile number and email address (may be pre-populated) |
Work Contact Details | Enter the person's work phone number, mobile number and email address |
Work Location | Select the person's work location from the drop-down list or click 'Add New' if the location isn't listed Note: this may be different to the location where the injury occurred |
Supervisor Details | Enter the person's supervisor's phone number, mobile number and email address |
Preferred Language | Select the person's preferred spoken language |
Interpreter Required? | Tick if the person speaks a different language and an interpreter is required for effective communication |
Support Person Details | Enter all relevant details of the support person into be box. This may include relationship to the injured person, contact details, availability etc |
1c) Pre-Injury Position
In this section, enter details regarding the employment position held by the person pre-injury.
Definition of Fields
Name | Definition |
Job Title | Enter the person's job title (may be pre-populated) |
Job Role | Enter the person's job role (this may include additional details and specifics of the work the person completed) |
Work Location | Enter the work location (may be pre-populated) |
Employed By | Enter the person's employer |
Shift Arrangements | Select the person's shift arrangements For example: casual, full time, part time |
Average hours per day/ week | Enter the person's average hours worked per day or week |
Employment Status | Select the person's employment status For example: employee, contractor |
Notes | Use this field to enter any additional notes relating to the person's pre-injury position that may be relevant to the RTW case |
1d) Insurer Details
In this section, enter details relating to the insurer and case manager (Insurer's representative).
Details for insurers and case managers can be entered and edited via the Insurers and Managers tab. Note that each insurer has a list of associated case managers and it is not possible to select a case manager who is not associated with the selected insurer. Refer to the Insurers & Managers page in this user guide for more details.
Definition of Fields
Name | Definition |
Insurer | Select the insurer dealing with the claim. Only insurer's that have been added int he 'Insurer & Managers' tab will be available for selection. The insurer's address will automatically populate based on the stored information and cannot be edited |
Case Manager | Select the case manager from the Insurer dealing with the claim. Only case managers that have been added in the 'Insurer & Managers' tab will be available for selection. Their phone and email will automatically be added based on the stored information and cannot be edited |
2) Medical & Case Management Details
The Medical & Case Management section of the RTW case contains details such as RTW coordination and medical management. This section is divided into two sub-sections.
2a) RTW Coordination Management
In this section add new, edit or delete the company's RTW coordinator managing the case (past and present).
Definition of Fields
Name | Definition |
RTW Coordinator | Select the RTW coordinator dealing with the case. The RTW coordinators details may automatically populate based on the stored information in the 'Insurer & Managers' tab. Details can be edited on this screen but will not update the master details. Note: The RTW coordinator must be added to the 'Insurer & Managers' tab in order to be utilised in the case. |
Is Current | Select if this is the current RTW coordinator. This can be used to cater for the changes in the RTW coordinator assigned to the case, such as leave periods, terminations etc where a new RTW coordinator may take over the case permanently or in the short-term |
Address | Enter address details (may be pre-populated) |
Phone | Enter phone number (may be pre-populated) |
Enter email address (may be pre-populated) |
2b) Medical Management
In this section add details of doctors and other practitioners (providers) who have worked on the case (past and present).
Definition of Fields
Name | Definition |
Provider | Select the provider dealing with the case. The provider details may automatically populate based on the stored information in the 'Insurer & Managers' tab. Details can be edited on this screen but will not update the master details. Note: The provider must be added to the 'Insurer & Managers' tab in order to be utilised in the case. |
Is Current | Select if this is the current provider. This can be used to cater for the changes in the provider assigned to the case, such as one for GP, one for Physio etc |
Address | Enter address details (may be pre-populated) |
Phone | Enter phone number (may be pre-populated) |
Enter email address (may be pre-populated) | |
Speciality | Enter the providers speciality (may be pre-populated) For example: hands, orthodontic etc |
3) Medical Certificates
In this section add details of medical certificates associated with the case, including the status of each certificate and the date range it applies to. Once added, the current medical certificate will be automatically inserted into the RTW plan.
Definition of Fields
Name | Definition |
Certificate Number | Enter the certificate number |
Issued By (Name) | Select the issuer (provider) Note: The provider must be added to the 'Insurer & Managers' tab in order to be utilised in the case |
Date From | Type or use the calendar selector to enter the date the certificate is valid from |
Date To | Type or use the calendar selector to enter the date the certificate is valid to |
Diagnosis | Enter the details of the diagnosis (as per the medical certificate) |
Restrictions | Enter the details of the any restrictions places on the person (as per the medical certificate) |
Other | Use this field to enter any other relevant information |
Upload File | Upload a copy of the certificate by: a. Click 'Add Document' b. Locate the document c. Click 'Open' d. Enter the file name and description as applicable e. Click 'Upload' Refer to the Uploading Files in Lucidity Modules user guide page for more details. |
Certificate Status | Enter the status of the certificate For example: approved, not approved, processing |
Has the certificate been completed correctly? | Select the applicable radio button
Is Current | Select if this is the current medical certificate. This can be used to cater for new/ updated medical certificates added to the case |
4) Return to Work (RTW) Plans
In this section, create return to work plans for a specific period. Plans can then be printed for signatures.
Definition of Fields
Name | Definition |
Plan Number | Enter the plan number (this is an internal number) |
Issued By (Name) | Select the Issuer (RTW coordinator) Note: The RTW coordinator must be added to the 'Insurer & Managers' tab in order to be utilised in the case |
Date From | Type or use the calendar selector to enter the date the RTW plan is valid from |
Date To | Type or use the calendar selector to enter the date the RTW plan is valid to |
Medical Certification | The details of the current medical certificate will automatically be populated and cannot be edited. A current medical certificate must exist in order to create an RTW plan. A message will display if no current medical certificate exists. |
Duties to be Performed | Detail the duties the person can complete |
Considerations/ Restrictions | Detail any considerations or restrictions that need to be taken into account when assigning duties for the person |
Specific Duties to be Avoided | Detail any specific duties the person is unable to complete |
Supervisor/ Manager | Enter the name of the person's supervisor/ manager for this RTW period (note this may be different to the person's normal manager) |
Hours/ Days of Work | Enter the hours and days of work the person is able to complete |
Break Times | Specify details of any break requirements |
Review Date | Type or use the calendar selector to enter the date the RTW plan is to be reviewed |
General Comments | Use this field to enter any other relevant information |
Medical Treatment/ Appointments | List any scheduled medical treatments or appointments |
Upload a File | Upload any relevant documentation, such as a signed copy of the RTW form by: a. Click 'Add Document' b. Locate the document c. Click 'Open' d. Enter the file name and description as applicable e. Click 'Upload' Refer to the Uploading Files in Lucidity Modules user guide page for more details. |
Note | Add any progress notes throughout the life of the RTW plan by: a. Click 'Add' b. Enter details and written description c. Click 'Save' |
5) Progress Report
In this section, add progress reports or a log contact and correspondence activities associated with the case. All historical items are then listed.
Definition of Fields
Name | Definition |
Entered By | Automatically populated with the logged in users name Note: this cannot be edited |
Date | Automatically populated with the date of entry Note: this cannot be edited |
Type | Select the type of contact For example: email, phone, mail, in person |
Contact With | Enter the name of the person contact was made with |
Notes | Enter all notes/ description of the contact |
6) Costs
In this section, add details of any costs incurred against the case.
Definition of Fields
Name | Definition |
Entered By | Automatically populated with the logged in users name Note: this cannot be edited |
Date | Automatically populated with the date of entry Note: this cannot be edited |
Paid To | Enter the name of the person or company paid |
Cost Type | Select the cost type For example: medical payment, physio, crutches |
Cost Status | Select the cost status For example: paid in full, pending, part payment |
Amount | Enter the amount paid |
Notes | Enter any relevant notes |
Upload a File | Upload any relevant documentation, such as an invoice or receipt by: a. Click 'Add Document' b. Locate the document c. Click 'Open' d. Enter the file name and description as applicable e. Click 'Upload' Refer to the Uploading Files in Lucidity Modules user guide page for more details. |
7) Summary Logs
In this section, a detailed list of all items from every section within the RTW case is listed, including all changes made to the case.
To view changes to any item in the case, from the summary log:
Use filters to search for the item
Click 'View Change' on the far right-hand side of the item
Note the action field displays the item's status as either created or updated
Each field from the section will be listed, along with the old value compared to the new value. In the example below, the field of 'Suitable Duties' from the RTW Plan has been updated to include 'limited hours of typing only.'
Click 'Cancel' to return to the Summary Log page
Add, Edit and Delete Items in Sections
When adding, editing or deleting items in sections, the steps are the same, regardless of which section the item is being added to. The examples below uses the RTW coordinator page (under Medical & Case Management) to illustrate the steps.
Add New Item in a Section
To add a new RTW coordinator for the case, from the RTW Coordination Management page:
Click 'Add New'
Complete the fields (see table 'Definition of Fields' above)
Click 'Save' to return to the RTW Coordination Management page or click 'Save and Next' to progress to the next section in the case
Edit Items in Sections
To edit an RTW coordinator, from the RTW Coordination Management page:
Click 'Edit'
Update fields as required (see table 'Definition of Fields' above)
Click 'Save' to return to the RTW Coordination Management page or click 'Save and Next' to progress to the next section in the case
Delete Items in Sections
To delete an RTW coordinator, from the RTW Coordination Management page:
Click 'Actions'
Click 'Delete'
Confirm the deletion and click 'Delete'
Reporting on Cases and Case Sections
Reports can be run from the overall case management page or from individual sections within a case. In both cases, the steps to run the report are the same. The examples below uses the medical certificates page to illustrate the steps.
To generate a report, from the cases page or the individual case section:
Click 'Show Filters'
Use Filters as required to locate the item(s)
Click 'Filter'
The lower half of the screen lists search results
Click 'Excel Export'
In the Excel Report, sort and manipulate the data or merge the data with other reports as required