Access Introduction

Access Introduction

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Lucidity Access regulates control to the suite of Lucidity applications, and also allows configuration of core aspects of the system that are shared between applications. Administrators can determine varying levels of permissions and accessibility for end-users from the Access module.

Generally, only system administrators will have access to Lucidity Access as this is where permissions for the rest of the Lucidity system is governed.

System Admins have the ability to create and manage users and their access permissions, manage access roles, system wide settings, notifications and help entries.

The Lucidity Access Quick Reference Guide provides the essential information about Profiles, Scoping and the Home Organisation selection required to get started.


The menu and tab options available will vary between each user, dependent upon their permissions and access levels. Navigation between most pages within Lucidity Software is very similar.


On the default landing page, Lucidity Access features:

  • Tab options: top panel listing areas of access within the module

  • Access tab: reflects the current module. Select to switch between modules

  • Menu options: left-hand panel listing areas of access within the current tab

  • Help: provides links to help documentation such as User Guides and support materials

  • Show Filters: allows for defining search parameters

  • Excel Reports: several Excel reports reflecting the current filters selected

  • Alphabet: click on each individual letter to filter through users alphabetically

  • Headers: click to sort in ascending/ descending order

  • Actions: Archive and delete contractors


As with all Lucidity Software Modules, Lucidity Access uses a series of tabs for basic navigation which are based on assigned permissions. Details on all these options are outlined in the User Guide.

  • Users: View, edit, archive and delete users including providing access to Lucidity modules

  • Permissions: Manage the access profiles and roles that are assigned to users

  • Settings: Create, edit and update in-system drop-down lists 

  • Notifications: View all notifications sent from the system to users

  • Help Entries: Manage and view all the help entries available for each Lucidity module

  • Configuration: Manage system configuration such as branding and colour schemes


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