Access Settings

Access Settings

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The settings tab in Lucidity Access is where the organisational details, including companies are managed for the entire Lucidity system. These work the same way other managed lists throughout the system work.

Settings Menu

From the Settings menu, system administrators can:

  • Add new, edit and delete items from each list

  • User filters to search

  • Generate an Excel report for each list


Each configuration of the Lucidity system may vary slightly, dependant on the organisational structure being utilised. Sections of the organisational structure may be hidden or renamed.

Editing Settings

Care must be taken to ensure that any entries in lists that are modified do not have unintentional consequences, as all existing users that have an organisation allocated in their user profile will be also modified.


Managed Lists


Business Units



The first four items in the organisational structure all work in the same manner. These would typically not change regularly unless a business restructure occurs.

Code: A code can be added in order to match external system codes 

Name: Add a name for each section of the organisation

Imported: if an automated integration with an external HR or Payroll system is being utilised, this will be ticked

These four organisational levels can have tiering applied if relevant (useful for very large companies only). Contact Lucidity Support to further discuss the implication of tiering.


Projects are independent to the other 4 main organisational and are typically transient.

Code: A code can be added in order to match external system codes 

Name: Add a name for each section of the organisation

Imported: if an automated integration with an external HR or Payroll system is being utilised, this will be ticked

Division/ Business Unit/ Location/ Department: select to link to a part of the organisation if relevant

Additional fields such as Project Manager, Project Address etc can be displayed in this screen if required. Contact Lucidity Support to have this enabled.


Companies are typically companies the organisation works for or they may be a client of the organisation. 

Populate all relevant fields such as status, vendor ID, responsible manager, address and so on.

Company Classification: this managed list is controlled in Lucidity Contractor and is a list of classifications to assign to contractor companies to determine which documents are required, such as high, medium or low risk

Company Status: this managed list is controlled in Lucidity Contractor and is a list of status' to apply to contractor companies such as approved, pending etc.

Company Types: Select if the company is a Contractor and therefore needs to be displayed in Lucidity Contractor.

Contracting Companies can be managed from Lucidity Contractor, Lucidity Induction and Lucidity Access. Each Lucidity application serves a difference purpose but all edits and changes made to the basic company fields will be reflected in all 3 locations.

Refer to the relevant user guides here:

Lucidity Induction

Lucidity Contractor (note companies created in the Access module must have the 'Is Contractor Company' ticked in order to appear in the Contractor module)


If the organisation extends outside of Australia, additional countries can be listed here

Company Categories

Company categories can be used as an additional way of categorising companies for filtering and reporting purposes.

This managed list will also appear in Lucidity Contractor.


Deleting Organisations and Companies

Deleting an organisation or a company cannot be undone - always use the delete function with caution.

Deleting an organisation means that particular organisation will no longer be displayed in user accounts, incidents, forms etc - the field will now be blank.

Deleting a company from Lucidity Access also means the company will be deleted from Lucidity Contractor and Lucidity Induction.

Any organisation or company deleted in error will need to be recreated and then each company, document, user, issue, form etc will need to be re-linked to that organisation. 


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