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The My Filters functionality allows each end-user to save filtered reports. These can then be retrieved and run again at a later time, such as for monthly reporting or even set as a default filter.
Video: My Filters Overview
Filters are a powerful tool enabling general or very specific searches to be applied. Filters are available on any page within Lucidity Software where lists of records or results are shown, as well as for specific reports and dashboard settings.
Filter features:
Search field for high level filtering
Various search filters for generating very specific searches, often split into filter categories
Ability to apply single or multiple filters at once
Save filter option
Reset Filters, which returns filters back to default settings (eg - may default to including Active users only)
Clear Filters, removing all entries in all filters (eg - will show results for Active and Inactive users)
Lucidity Competency 'List Records' Example:
Lucidity InForm 'List Form Records' Example:
Lucidity Report 'Incident Category' Example:
Lucidity Dashboard 'Risk Heat Map Controlled' Example:
General Filtering
Video: General Filtering
To create a new filter, from the desired page:
Click 'Show Filters' in the top right of the page. This will open the filter options
Select a filter to apply
Use the options within the filter window as required:
Generally multiple items can be selected
Intuitive search function means entering a few letters starts to narrow down possible results
Filters are often available within the filter group, such as status or organisation
Select all or clear selection
Show selected only
Adjust number of entries to view
Move between pages of results
Repeat with each filter group on the screen as required
Click 'Filter'
Results will be displayed
Hint: Clicking 'Hide Filters' makes viewing results easier
Reset Filters
To avoid unwanted data such as archived records appearing unexpectedly, always select 'Reset Filters' when clearing a recent search.
Save Filters
Video: Save and Apply Filters
Saving regularly used filters saves having to go through the process of selecting all required components again. From the desired page:
Follow steps 1-4 above
Click 'Filter and Save'
Add a filter name
Click Save
Saved Filters
Each user's saved filters are only available on their personal log in and are not shared with other users.
Apply Saved Filters
Once a filter has been saved, it can be reused as often as required. From the desired page:
Click 'Show Filters'
Click the 'My Filters' tab
Click 'Load Filter' on the required saved Filter
The Filter will load
Edit Saved Filters
Once a filter has been saved, it may need to be updated with new capabilities, risks, people etc. From the desired page:
Load the saved filter as outlined above
Adjust filter settings as required
Click 'Filter and Save'
The name of the currently loaded filter will appear as the filter name
Click 'Save'
The existing filter will be updated
Duplicate Filters
To create a slightly different version of a saved filter, follow the steps above. Adjust the filter name and click save. Two versions of the same filter will now exist.
Create Default Filters
Saved filters can be set as a default filter. This means the filter will be automatically applied whenever the page is opened.
To create a default filter, from the desired page:
Click 'Show Filters'
Click the 'My Filters' tab
Click 'Set Default'
The Filter will now be listed as the default filter and will load each time the page is opened
To remove the default filter, click 'Clear'
Delete Saved Filters
If a saved filter needs to be deleted, simply click 'Delete' to the right-hand side of the saved filter.
Filters Shortcut
The filters shortcut allows for quick access to any saved filters - a quicker way to apply filters than using the My Filters tab.
To access the filters shortcut, from the desired page:
Click 'Current Filter'
Select the desired filter to apply
The filter will load
My Emails
Saved filters can be used to schedule automated emailed reports. View the My Emails user guide for more details.