Repeating Actions

Repeating Actions



Actions can be set to repeat at specified intervals. This has the effect of automatically creating a new action with a due date that is a set time after the preceding action. Repeating actions can be created from both the My Actions and All Actions menus.

Repeating Interval

The following options are available to determine the interval between when actions repeat:

  • Daily

    • The action will repeat each day

  • Weekly

    • The action will repeat each week, or

    • Each 'x' weeks, where x can be from 1 to 52

    • For weekly repeating actions a specific day of the week is selected i.e. each third Tuesday

  • Monthly

    • The action will repeat each month, or

    • Each 'x' months, where x can be from 1 to 12

    • For monthly repeating actions, a specific day of the month (1-28th) or the 'last' day i.e. every 3 months on the last of the month.

  • Yearly

    • Once per year on the day selected using the date chooser

Adding a Repeating Action

To make an action a repeating action, from the My Actions or All Actions page:

  1. Click 'Add New'

  2. Enter all Action details as explained in the 'Add Action' section above

  3. Click in the Due Date cell


  4. In the popover that appears, select the first day that the action is due - this will be created as the first instance of the action.

  5. Click 'Set to repeat?' to open the repeating actions options

  6. Select the interval for the repeating action. This will determine when the next action repeats, starting from the date of this action.

  7. Click 'Close' to close the date chooser

  8. The first action date will now be shown in the cell, as well as a recurring icon as below:

  9. Hovering over the recurring icon will display the recurring details without opening the date popover

  10. Click 'Save' to save the action and assign it to the actionee(s)

Removing a Repeating Action

To remove the re-occurrence from an action, from the Action edit screen:

  1. Click with in the Due Date cell

  2. In the pop up that appears, click 'Remove repeat'


     When the action is closed, no more will be created

  3. Click 'Close' on the date selector

  4. Click 'Save'

Actions Linked to Forms, Risks & Issues

Actions linked to Forms, Risks and Issues cannot be set to recur as this would effect associated workflows. To create a recurring action, start from the Actions tab in any module to create the action.


Where can repeating Actions be created from?

Repeating actions can only be created from within the My Actions or All Actions pages. Its not possible to specify a repeating action from with an incident, a risk or another module within Lucidity Software. This is because many modules (such as Incident) use the closure of the last associated action as a trigger to change to the next processing step. If a recurring action is set it will prevent the incident or issue from ever progressing to completion.

When does the next Action get created for repeating Actions?

For a repeating action, there is only every one open action in the series. The next action in the series is created as soon as the current action is closed and not before (regardless of the due date of the new Action). This allows the repeating interval to be modified if required and used to created the next action in the series. 

What happens if a repeating Action is overdue, and the next Action is also now due?

There will only ever be one open repeating action for each series. If the open action is overdue and is then closed, the next action in the series will be created with its correct due date based on the last action. Depending on how overdue the last action was, the newly created action may be immediately overdue. This functionality means that an action is never 'skipped' due to a preceding action being closed late.

How does the date of the first Action work?

The date selected when the repeating action is initially created is the date of the first action in the series. When the next action repeats it takes the first matching date starting from the date of the initial action. If there is inconsistency between the date of the initial action and the repeating interval i.e. the first action is set to be due on a Wednesday, but the repeating frequency is weekly each Friday, then the next action will create on a Friday and each Friday thereafter.  

It is recommended that the first date of the series matches the repeating instructions to avoid confusion for users.

i.e. if the action is to repeat on the first day of the month, ensure the initial action is also on the first day of the month.

What if the repeating interval is edited?

Since there is only one open action for each series at one time, if the repeating interval is modified by editing that action while it is open, the new repeating interval will be used when creating the next action in the series.

How do I control who is in a User Group?

User groups are created and managed within Lucidity Access, and can be found on the users tab under the User Group menu. 

How do I re-open an Action after it has been closed?

A closed action can be re-opened from Lucidity Intranet. From the Actions tab, identify the action to be re-opened and select EDIT. At the bottom of the action record, there is a REOPEN ACTION button. Click on this button and the action will be re-opened.

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