Induction Course Groups

Induction Course Groups


Course groups are used as part of the self-registration process and do not relate to courses used in Lucidity Competency in any way. Course groups allow self-registered users to select the required courses they need to complete for their particular location and/ or type of work. In conjunction, administrators can use a course group to automatically assign particular courses to every self-registered user as mandatory.


Course groups can be structured in such a way that the self-registered user can chose which course pathway is applicable to their individual situation. This works like a chose-your-own-adventure scenario. Common options are selecting the state or project the user will be working in.

The example below shows an example scenario where location is used as the initial selection and shows the administrator, user selection and user completion screens.

This particular scenario has two levels of selection - the first being location and the second being work position. This is completely configurable and can be set up with no selection (ie - the course groups are all mandatory and automatically assigned) or can be set with several selection options. A combination can also be set.

Administrator Screen (click to enlarge images)

User Selection Screen

User Completions Screen

Administrator Screen (click to enlarge images)

User Selection Screen

User Completions Screen

The mandatory course is mandatory for all users and therefore won't display as a selection - it will automatically display to all users.


The user firstly selects their location and then chooses their work position (employee or manager in this example).

The user is required to complete the mandatory Company Wide Induction course, the location based Star Wars Galaxy course and the selected manager course.

Add Course Group

To add a new course group, from the Course Group page:

  1. Click 'Add New'

  2. Complete the fields (see table 'Definitions of Fields' below)

  3. Click 'Save'

The details captured for each course may vary slightly between each system configuration. Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Definition of Fields


Enter the name of the course group


Enter a description for the course group. This will appear to the end user and should include a simple description such as "this course group consists of 3 courses and is mandatory for all company employees."

Valid For

Enter the number of month the course group is valid for


Select if the course group is mandatory. This means it will display to all end users and will not be an optional selection

Is Parent

Select if this is to be a parent course group (ie "child" course groups will be placed under it for a next-tier selection)

Parent Course Group

If this is to be a child course group, select the parent it sits under


Select the courses to be part of the course group. A minimum of 1 must be selected

Enforce Prerequisites

Select if the courses need to be completed in order. This means only the first course will be available for completion. The next course will no become available until the predecessor is complete.


Sort Course Groups

Use the Sort option to the far right of the course group to change the order of display to end users.

Edit Course Groups

To edit a course group, from the Course Group page:

  1. Click the relevant course group or click ' Edit' to the far right of the course group


  2. Edit fields as relevant

  3. Click 'Save'

Archive Course Groups

If a course group is no longer required to be available for selection, it can be disabled and then archived.

To archive a course group, from the Course Group page:

  1. Click 'Actions' to the far right of the course

  2. Click 'Archive'


  3. Click 'Archive' to confirm

Delete Course Group

To delete a course group, from the Course Group page:

  1. Click 'Actions' to the far right of the course

  2. Click 'Delete'

  3. In the pop-up that appears, click 'Delete' to completely delete the course group from the system



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