Induction Courses

Induction Courses


Video: Induction eLearning and Scheduled Reports Webinar

Watch the video to view a 45 minute comprehensive training Webinar focusing on creating eLearning in Lucidity Induction, including how to create SCORM files from a PowerPoint presentation. Also covered is how to schedule automated reports from any page within Lucidity Software

Induction eLearning: starts immediately and continues to the 37 minute mark

Scheduled Reports: starts at the 37 minute mark and continues for 10 minutes

NOTE: This Webinar was recorded in August 2019. Any updates to the Induction eLearning or Scheduled Reports features since then will not be included.

The Courses page is where administrators build eLearning courses. The courses can then be made available in Lucidity Induction and/ or Lucidity Competency. Courses can also form part of a Course Group.

Every time a course is completed a record is created. 

From the Courses page, administrators can:

  • Manage courses (create, copy, edit, archive or delete)

  • Manage eLearn modules, resources and assessments

Course Structure

A Course Group is the top level of the eLearn hierarchy. A course group can consist of many courses. A course can consist of many modules. Modules can consist of several resources but only ever 1 assessment (or none).

Course groups are managed from the Course Group page. All other aspects of eLearning are managed from the Courses page.



Belongs to


Image (click to enlarge)


Belongs to


Image (click to enlarge)

Course Group

N/A - Overarching top level

Only utilised in Self-Registration

Star Wars Galaxy



Stand alone


belongs to a course group

SWG Induction

SWG Flight Safety 101

Death Star Training


There can be 1 or multiple courses in each course group

A course does not have to belong to a course group and can be a stand alone item


Always belongs to a course

SWG Standards of Business Conduct

SWG Safety Behaviours


There can be 1 or multiple modules in each course

Resources (Content)

Always belongs to a module

SWG Standards of Business Conduct Part 1

SWG Standards of Business Conduct Part 2

SWG Standards of Business Conduct Part 3



There can be 1 or multiple resources for each module


Always belongs to a module




There is only ever 1 assessment per module.

A module does not have to have an assessment

Managing Courses

Courses can belong to a course group or can be stand alone courses. They will comprise of one or more modules and one or no assessment.

Course groups will only be required if eLearning is to be completed via self-registration. For all other eLearning, a stand alone course is sufficient.

Administrators can add new, edit, copy, archive and delete courses.

Add New Course

To create a new course, from the Courses page:

  1. Click 'Add New'


  2. Complete the fields (see table 'Definitions of Fields' below)

  3. Click:

    1. 'Save' to return to the Course page

    2. 'Save and Next' to move to the Module page

The details captured for each course may vary slightly between each system configuration. Fields marked with * are mandatory

Definition of Fields


Enter a name for the course

It is recommended an internally developed set of naming conventions are followed


Enter a description for the course

This is the first description end-users will see and should contain an overview of what to expect within the course such as time required to complete, expected objectives etc

Valid For 

Number of months until a record expires

If the course has an expiry time frame, enter the validity period in months. For example, if the course expires after two years, enter '24'

Courses will become available to the end user for recompletion 30 days prior to the expiry date.



If the course is required to be completed in Lucidity Competency, it must be linked to a capability. Select the relevant capability from the list.

It is recommended the capability name is the same as the course name to prevent confusion.

Refer to the Capabilities page within the Lucidity Competency user guide for more information.


Disabled courses are not available for users to complete

If a course is not required to be completed again, it can be marked as disabled.

When ticked, a replacement course can be selected

The disabled course is available for administrators to manage and view completion records but cannot be completed by end-users. Any completion records will not be affected.

If a replacement course is selected, Induction users who have yet to complete the course will now need to complete the replacement course instead.

In order for this change to take effect for Competency users, the linked capability will need to be updated in the new course.

Course Groups

If the course is to be part of a course group and completed by self-registered users, it can be linked by selecting the course group from the list.

Refer to the Course Group page in this user guide for more details


Edit Course

To edit a course, from the Courses page:

  1. Locate the specific course using relevant filters

  2. Click the course or click ' Edit' to the far right of the course


  3. Edit fields as relevant

  4. Click 'Save'

Copy Course

If a new course is required and a similar one exists, it can be copied to save administrative time.

To copy a course, from the Course page:

  1. Locate the specific course using relevant filters

  2. Click 'Actions' to the far right of the course

  3. Click 'Copy'

  4. A new course will be created, with the word 'Copy' at the start

    1. Note it is automatically set to disabled to ensure no unexpected completions can occur

  5. Edit the course as required, remembering to untick the 'Disabled' box

    1. Modules and assessments will also be copied and will therefore also require editing

Archive Course

If a course is no longer required to be completed, it can be disabled and then archived.

To archive a course, from the Course page:

  1. Locate the specific course using relevant filters

  2. Click 'Actions' to the far right of the course

  3. Click 'Archive'


  4. Click 'Archive' to confirm


Delete Course

To delete a course, from the Courses page:

  1. Locate the specific course using relevant filters

  2. Click 'Actions' to the far right of the course

  3. Click 'Delete'

  4. In the pop-up that appears, click 'Delete' to completely delete the course from the system


Reporting from the Courses Page

An Excel list report is available from the Course page. Reports will reflect filtered search options as displayed on the lower half of the User page. 

To generate a Report, from the Course page:

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Select the relevant filters

  3. Click 'Filter'

  4. All results will be displayed at the bottom of the screen

  5. Click 'Excel Export' to generate this report into Excel



A Module must be created in order for a course to be playable.

Managing Modules

The Modules page can be accessed from several places:

  1. From the Courses page, click 'Modules' to the far right of the relevant course


  2. From the individual Course page, click 'Modules' in the left hand menu


  3. From the course edit screen, click 'Save and Next'


Add New Module

To create a new module, from the Module page:

  1. Click 'Add New'

  2. Complete the fields (see table 'Definitions of Fields' below)

  3.  Add a minimum of 1 resource and additional as required (see the Resources page of this user guide)

  4. Add an assessment if required (see the Assessments page of this user guide)

  5. Click  'Save'

The details captured for each module may vary slightly between each system configuration. Fields marked with * are mandatory

Definition of Fields

Details - Name

Enter a name for the module

If there is only a single module, it is recommended the module name is the same as the course name to prevent confusion.

It is recommended an internally developed set of naming conventions are followed

Details - Description

Enter a description for the module

This is the second description end-users will see and should contain brief instructions on how to complete the module, such as 'click start to continue'


See the Resources page of this user guide


See the Assessments page of this user guide


Edit, Copy and Delete Modules

Modules can be edited, copied and deleted. The steps to complete these tasks is the same as it is for editing, copying and deleting courses. Refer to the relevant instructions above.


Sorting Modules

The order modules appears to users can be changed by administrators.

To change the order of the modules, use the 'Sort' button on the far right-hand side of each module to click and drag the modules into the preferred order.



Once eLearning courses are completely built, it is recommended they are fully tested from an end-user point of view to ensure they play as expected.

The resources themselves can be viewed from within the edit screen of a module but it is still important to test the full process in the same way an end user will.

Testing can be conducted in Lucidity Induction OR Lucidity Competency, depending on the site configuration, modules being used and tester knowledge.

To test eLearning in Lucidity Competency:

  • Create the full course package including modules, resources and any assessment in Induction

  • Link the course to a Competency capability

  • Assign a need to the tester for the Competency capability

  • From the tester's My Training Competency page, complete the training from start to finish

  • Make any required adjustments to the course and retest until the desired result is achieved


To test eLearning in Lucidity Induction:

  • Create the full course package including modules, resources and any assessment

  • Add the course to a course group

  • Log out and create a self-registered user profile

  • Select the newly created course group

  • Complete the training from start to finish

  • Make any required adjustments to the course and retest until the desired result is achieved

Testing tips

The following is a list of recommendations when testing eLearning:

  • Test in all browsers end users are likely to access (IE, Chrome etc)

  • Test in all devices end users are likely to use (mobiles, tablets etc)

  • Review SCORM and responsiveness technology where applicable

  • Review content and questions for content/ spelling errors

  • Have more than 1 tester review the entire course from end to end


Content within eLearning courses may require updates from time to time. A decision needs to be as to how this is managed. There are two main options:

  1. Update content within an existing course

    1. This option suits minor updates such as spelling, name changes etc

    2. This method suits a scenario where users DO NOT need to re-complete the course due to the content change

    3. This method is quick and easy as the course name, linked capability, existing records etc do not need to be changed

    4. It will not be possible to report on who has completed V1 as opposed to V2 (completion dates could be utilised if required)

  2. Create new course

    1. This option suits major changes such as an entire new chapter within a module, changes to policies outlined in the module etc

    2. This method suits a scenario where users may be required to re-complete the entire course (although not a requirement)

    3. This method requires disabling the original version and creating an entire new course

      1. If V1 expires and end users are then required to complete V2, it is recommended the capability within Competency is kept the same and the link to the Induction course within V2 is updated to the same capability.

        1. This will avoid complexities with the capability being associated in Competency training roles, Onsite access areas etc. 

        2. Completion dates can be utilised to determine if V1 or V2 was completed

      2. If reporting on who has completed V1 and V2 is required from Competency and the completion date method is not sufficient, a new capability linked to the course is also required.

        1. Note training roles and Onsite access areas will also need to be updated where relevant. 

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