Induction Companies

Induction Companies


Integration with Lucidity Applications

Contracting Companies can be managed from Lucidity Contractor, Lucidity Induction and Lucidity Access. Each Lucidity application serves a difference purpose but all edits and changes made to the basic company field will be reflected in all 3 locations.

Refer to the relevant user guides here:

Lucidity Contractor

Lucidity Access (note companies created in the Access module must have the 'Is Contractor Company' ticked in order to appear in the Contractor module)


The Companies page is where administrators can add and manage external companies that conduct work for the organisation. All companies will then appear in the self-registration screen (if enabled) in a drop-down list for users to select which company they work for.

From the Companies page, administrators can:

  • View all companies listed in the entire system

  • Manage basic contact details for companies

  • Add, edit and delete companies

  • Export lists of companies to Excel

Add New Company

To add a new company, from the Companies page:

  1. Click 'Add New'


  2. Complete the fields (see table 'Definitions of Fields' below)

  3. Click 'Save' to save the company

  4. Users will now be able to select the company from the self-registration drop-down list (if enabled)

The details captured for each record may vary slightly between each system configuration. Fields marked with * are mandatory

Definition of Fields

There are a range of filters that can be used to categorise contractors. These can assist when filtering or sorting contractors and can be edited via the Settings tab. 






Enter contractor company name


Enter a description. This can include details such as specific works the contractor can complete etc

Contact Name

Enter contact name

Contact Number 1

Enter the primary contact number

Contact Number 2

Enter the secondary contact number


Enter website address

General Email

Enter email to be used for notifications (these will only be generated from Lucidity Contractor)

Phone/ Fax

Enter contact and Fax number


Enter ABN or ACN 

Company Category

Select contractor category(s)

For example: Civil & Mining, Construction, Disability Services

Note more than 1 category can be selected

Company Classification

Select classification to determine required documentation contractor company needs to submit

This list is managed via the Settings page in Lucidity Contractor

Refer to the Contractor Classification & Self-Service page in the Lucidity Contractor user guide for more details.

Company Status

Select company status

For example: Approved, Not Approved, Pending, Under Review

The contractor status can be determined by internal organisational processes and is managed via the Settings page in Lucidity Contractor

Vendor ID

Enter vendor ID


Select the manager from within the organisation who is responsible for managing the contractor

Note the manager must have an existing profile within Lucidity HR

Sync ID

Enter sync ID (can be used for syncing with external systems)

Address Details

Enter address details


Edit Company

To edit a company, from the Company page:

  1. Locate the specific company using relevant filters

  2. Click the company or 'edit' to the far right of the record


  3. Adjust fields as required

  4. Click 'Save'

Delete Company

To delete a company, from the Company page:

  1. Locate the specific record using relevant filters

  2. Click 'Actions' to the far right of the record

  3. Click 'Delete'

  4. In the pop-up that appears, click 'Delete' to completely delete the company from the system


Generate Reports from the Company Page

An Excel list report is available from the Companies page. Reports will reflect filtered search options as displayed on the lower half of the Companies page. 

To generate a report, from the Companies page:

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Select the relevant filters

  3. Click 'Filter'

  4. All results will be displayed at the bottom of the screen

  5. Click 'Excel Export' to generate this report into Excel




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