Access Module Access Roles and Privileges

Access Module Access Roles and Privileges

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The standard roles typically provided in all new Lucidity system builds are as follows. These can be edited by system administrators as required.

To further understand the Access module, refer to the Lucidity Access user guide for more details.

Role Name

Role Description


Role Name

Role Description



Administrator role for Access

Branding - Manage

Help Entries - Manage

Notifications - View

Permissions - Manage Profiles

Permissions - Manage Roles

Security - Manage

Settings - Manage

User - Manage

User Groups - Manage


Using Access, a Manager can edit users and apply permissions and scoping

Notifications - View

User - Manage

Column Configuration

Using Access, a user can configure columns displayed on screen and in reports (in conjunction with admin role)

Column Configuration

Report Emailing

Using Access, a user can configure scheduled reports on behalf of other users (in conjunction with admin role)

Report Emailing Administrator

** Typically, the HR General User role is assigned by default to all users of the system.




Privilege Names

What the Privilege Does

Privilege Names

What the Privilege Does

Branding - Manage

Allows users to manage the system wide branding (logos, splash image, colour theme etc)

Column Configuration

Allows user to configure columns. Restrict access, as any change to columns impacts all users.

Dictionary Configuration

DICTIONARY CONFIGURATION added as a tab. Allows user to alter field names used throughout the Lucidity Modules. Altering dictionary configuration in Lucidity can result in unintentional impacts. Please liaise with Lucidity should any dictionary changes be required.

Help Entries - Manage

HELP ENTRIES added as a tab. Allows user to manage the resources that are available to other users when they select Help within each module.

Notifications - Manage

NOTIFICATIONS added as a tab. Allows user to view a log of all notifications that have been sent to users. The user can also manage Notification Types and Notification Sets. Altering notification types and sets in Lucidity is complex and can result in unintentional impacts. Please liaise with Lucidity should any dictionary changes be required.

Notifications - View

NOTIFICATIONS added as a tab. Allows user to view a log of all the notifications that have been sent to users.

Permissions - Manage Default Profiles

PERMISSIONS added as a tab.  Allows user to view, add and edit Default Profiles.  Typically reserved for Lucidity to manage.

Permissions - Manage Profiles

PERMISSIONS added as a tab.  Allows user to view, add and edit Profiles.  The user is also able to add people to Profiles. 

Permissions - Manage Roles

PERMISSIONS added as a tab.  Allows user to view, add, edit, copy and archive Roles.  The user is also able to add people to Roles. 

Report Emailing Administrator

Allows user to select other email addresses for Email Reporting. A user will still be able to create Email Reports without this privilege, but the reports can only be sent to their registered email address.

Security - Manage

Allows user to change the Security settings in the Access module.

Settings - Manage

SETTINGS added as a tab. Allows user to view, add, edit and delete labels in the Managed Lists for the Org Structure; States; Projects & Companies.

User - Manage

USERS added as a tab. Allows user to view, add, edit, copy, delete and archive Users in Lucidity. Users added or edited via the Access Module will be replicated within the HR Module.

User Groups - Manage

USERS added as a tab. Allows user to view, add, edit, copy and delete User Groups. 



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