


Integration with Lucidity Applications

Contracting Companies can be managed from Lucidity Contractor, Lucidity Induction and Lucidity Access. Each Lucidity application serves a different purpose but all edits and changes made to the basic company field will be reflected in all 3 locations.

Refer to the relevant user guides here:

Lucidity Induction

Lucidity Access (note companies created in the Access module must have the 'Is Contractor Company' ticked in order to appear in the Contractor module)

The default landing page for Lucidity Contractor is the Contractors page. The Contractor page consists of a list of all the contractor companies currently in the system.

From the Contractor page, administrators can:

  • Add, edit, archive and delete contractors

  • Manage contractor documents, including downloading all uploads

  • Manage contractor employees, including viewing training records

  • Generate reports on all contractor companies in the system

Add New Contractor

To add a new contractor, from the Contractors page:

  1. Click 'Add New'


  2. Complete the fields (see table 'Definitions of Fields below)

  3. Click 'Save' to save the contractor

The details captured for each contractor may vary slightly between each system configuration. Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Definition of Fields

There are a range of filters that can be used to categorise contractors. These can assist when filtering or sorting contractors and can be edited via the Settings tab. 






Enter contractor company name

Company Classification

Select classification to determine required documentation contractor Company needs to submit

Refer to the Contractor Self-Service page in this user guide for more details.

Note only one classification can be selected

Company Category

Select contractor category(s)

For example: Civil & Mining, Construction, Disability Services

Note more than 1 category can be selected


Enter a description. This can include details such as specific works the contractor can complete etc

Contact Name

Enter contact name


Enter website address

General Email

Enter email to be used for notifications


Enter contact number


Enter ABN or ACN 

Account Type

Select account type

For example: cash, credit, 30 days, 90 days

The account type can be determined by internal organisational processes

NOTE:  When contractor classification is not utilised, this field will be named 'Company Status' and used for pending, approved etc.


Enter vendor


Select the manager from within the organisation who is responsible for managing the contractor

Note the manager must have an existing profile within Lucidity HR


Add comments throughout the lifespan of the contractor

  1. Click 'Add'

  2. Enter the comment

  3. Click Save

  4. The comment as well as the users name and date will be saved

  5. Click 'Edit' or 'Delete' to manage comments

Address Details

Enter address details

Organisation Details

Select organisation details, such as the division the contractor works for

Note more than 1 can be selected for each organisation category


Add all contacts associated with the contractor. These will normally be the employees from the contractor who liaise with the organisation.

  1. Click 'Add'

  2. Enter all details

  3. Click Save

Upload File

Upload any documentation relevant to the company, such as ABN documentation

Note this will not include specific documentation that is required to be filed individually (these will be held in the 'Document' section)

  1. Click 'Add Document'

  2. Locate the document

  3. Click 'Open'

  4. Enter the file name and description as applicable

  5. Click 'Upload'

Refer to the Uploading Files in Lucidity Modules user guide page for more details.


Contractor Documents

This is NOT where individual contractor documents such as policies, insurances etc are to be added. This field can utilised for adding company document that does not need to be tracked such as ABN information etc.

This may cause complications so can be turned off if required. Contact Lucidity Support to do so.


Company Types

Is a Contractor Company will be ticked by default - this ensures the company appears in the Contractor module (if a company is purely for use within Lucidity Induction add the company via Access or Induction and untick this option)

Edit Contractor

To edit an existing contractor, from the Contractors page:

  1. Locate the specific contractor using relevant filters

  2. Click 'Edit' to the far right of the contractor

  3. Adjust fields as required

  4. Click 'Save'

Archive Contractor

If no longer being used within the organisation, contractors can be archived. This allows for unarchiving and reusing the contractor in the future.

To archive an existing contractor, from the Contractors page:

  1. Locate the specific contractor using relevant filters

  2. Click 'Actions' to the far right of the contractor

  3. Click 'Archive'

  4. Click 'Archive' to confirm

  5. Once archived, contractors can still be viewed from the Contractors page by applying the 'Status' filter

Delete Contractors

To delete an existing contractor, from the Contractors page:

  1. Locate the specific contractor using relevant filters

  2. Click 'Actions' to the far right of the contractor

  3. Click 'Delete'

  4. Confirm the deletion

Managing Contractor Employees

Link Employees to Contractors

Contractor employees (subcontractors) can be linked to contractor company profiles. This can happen automatically when a user creates their own profile via the Lucidity Induction self-registration process.

Alternatively, the user can be created manually via Lucidity HR. In these instances, before this link can be established, there are two requirements: 

  • The subcontractor must have an existing profile in Lucidity HR (refer to the Lucidity HR user guide for more details) or a Lucidity Induction self-registered profile (refer to the Lucidity Induction Self-Registration & End User Guide for more details).

  • The contracting company must have a profile in Lucidity Contractor (as outlined in this user guide)

Once these requirements have been met, to link a subcontractor to a contractor company:

  1. Use the switch module tool to navigate to Lucidity HR

  2. Use search functions to locate the user

    1. Note - they may be listed as a subcontractor

  3. Click 'Edit' to the far right of the subcontractor

  4. Under 'Company' select the relevant company from the drop-down list

  5. Click 'Save'

View Contractor's Employees

To view the employees who have been linked to a contractor, from the Contractor page in Lucidity Contractor:

  1. Use filters to locate the contractor

  2. Click 'Employees' to the far right of the contractor

  3. The employee's will be listed and a summary of current record and need status will be listed

    1. Note: this only occurs if Lucidity Competency is utilised within the organisation

    2. Note: employees without a 'view' button on the far right of their line have been entered through the Lucidity Induction self-registration process and have not yet been converted from within Lucidity Induction. 
      To view associated Lucidity HR Details and Lucidity Competency records and needs for these subcontractors, the user must first be converted from within Lucidity Induction (refer to Help Centre > Induction User Guide > Induction Users > Convert Users)

    3. Note: employees with an "Approved" button on the far right of their line have ben entered through the Lucidity Induction self-registration process and have been converted to Lucidity HR users. 


  1. Click 'View' to the far right-hand side of the employee 

  2. A summary of the employee's Lucidity HR profile and Lucidity Competency needs and Records are listed

    1. Click 'Manage' next to each section to be taken to the employee's HR, records or needs page

    2. To learn how to manage employee records and needs, refer to the Lucidity Competency user guide

    3. To learn how to manage employee HR records, refer to the Lucidity HR user guide

  3. Click 'Return' to return to the list of employees'


Subcontractor eLearning Progress

If Lucidity Induction is part of the organisation's system configuration, the Subcontractors' induction course progress can be shown on the Employees Dashboard. The Course Progress indicator displays the number of completed eLearning courses and total number of required courses as a fraction. 

Total number of courses
For self-registered Lucidity Induction users, the total number of courses is the grand total of courses manually selected through the Course Groups (pick your journey learning) plus any course groups set as mandatory (for example Company Wide inductions). 
For Lucidity HR users, the total number of courses is the grand total of Lucidity Competency Needs where the need has an associated Lucidity Induction course. 


Total number of completed courses
For both self-registered Lucidity Induction users and Lucidity HR users, this is the grand total of all completed eLearning courses specified as a Need. 


Note: in this example, we can see all five Subcontractors have been converted to Lucidity HR users. We can also see that Princess Jedi Star has already completed four out of the five eLearning courses assigned to them. 


Subcontractor Outstanding Needs and Record Status

If Lucidity Competency is part of the Organisation's system configuration, the Subcontractors' Outstanding Needs can be displayed on the Contractor Employees dashboard. This is especially useful when combined with the Using Lucidity to Manage Contractor Onboarding feature. 

Outstanding Needs is the total number of Lucidity Competency records pending submission, these needs include eLearning not yet completed as well non-eLearning needs, such as Licences, Certifications and Qualifications. 


Record Status provides a quick view to see the overall expiry status of all records listed under a Subcontractor.

  • If this shows CURRENT, it means all active Lucidity Competency records for this user are up-to-date (All records have at least 31 days until expiry or the competency has no expiry) 

  • If this shows EXPIRING, it means one or more active Lucidity Competency records for this user are due to expire within 30 days

  • If this shows EXPIRED, is means one or more active Lucidity Competency records for this user have passed the expiry date



Managing Contractor Documents

To view an individual contractor's documents, from the Contractor page:

  1. Use filters to locate the contractor

  2. Click 'Employees' to the far right of the contractor

  3. All documents associated with the contractor will be listed, along with the current Document Approval Status

  4. From here, documents are managed in the same way as they would be from the Documents menu. Refer to the Documents page in this user guide for full details.


Reporting from the Contractor Page

An Excel list report is available from the Contractors page. Reports will reflect filtered search options as displayed on the lower half of the Contractors page. 

To generate a report, from the Contractors page:

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Select the relevant filters (refer to Filters for more information)

  3. Click 'Filter'

  4. All results will be displayed at the bottom of the screen

  5. Click 'Excel Export' to generate this report into Excel

Reports can also be generated from the individual contractor's documents or employees page using the same instructions as above.



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