App Site Management (Onsite)

App Site Management (Onsite)

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App Onsite

This page provides instructions on how to use the Lucidity App to manage users on sites. Site Managers and Supervisors are able to:

  1. Tap on / tap off multiple users to an OnSite area from the Lucidity App only.

  2. View who is currently tapped in and their name, company and phone number

  3. View their competency records

  4. Before using Onsite via the Lucidity App to check users in/out of site ensure that users and SiteManagers/ Supervisors have the required permissions setup.

    1. For Users

      1. Go to the HR record for the user who should be accessing a site.

      2. In the Access Card section: Click 'Enabled'

    2. For Site Managers/Supervisors

      1. Ensure that the Site Manager/Supervisor has been assigned permission in the Access module to enable them to check users in/out of site via Onsite in the Lucidity App.

      2. The role assigned should be the “Column Configuration” Role for Onsite, or for Administrators the Administrator Role for Onsite. For more details see OnSite Access Roles and Privileges

For more detailed information on using Lucidity OnSite, tapping in / tapping out and the associated requirements, refer to the OnSite Access Points and ID Cards page of the Lucidity OnSite user guide.

To tap in or out other users, from the Lucidity App:

  1. Tap the 'Onsite' icon on the App dashboard

2. Select the area the user should be tapped in, or out of

3. Select 'Scan people IN/OUT'

4. Scan the users QR code using the inbuilt scanner
The front camera can be used if preferred

5. Tapped in or tapped out message will be displayed

6. The 'Onsite Dashboard' will now include the tapped in user in the number of people on site

7. To see the details of who is currently tapped into an area select the number currently scanned in.

8. A list of tapped in user for that area is displayed

9. Once viewing the list of people scanned in you can:
Drill down to see the individual's records

10. Tap them out by selecting the tap out button on the right of the screen







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