HR Employment Periods

HR Employment Periods


Employment Periods

The Employment Periods page can be used for the tracking of various types of employment periods for users throughout the organisation such as employment type, probation periods, contract dates and termination dates.

Archived Users

It is important to note that adding, editing or deleting an employment period for a user in no way affects their archived status. If an employment period including termination is added to a user, that user will also need to be archived from the People page.

In the Employment Periods page of Lucidity HR, administrators can:

  • Add new employment periods for users

  • Edit employment periods for users

  • Delete employment periods for users

  • Export lists to Excel of employment periods

Add Employment Period

To create a new employment period, from the Employment Period page:

  1. Click 'Add New'

  2. Complete the fields (see table 'Definitions of Fields' below)

The details captured for each record may vary slightly between each system configuration. Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Definitions of Fields


Drop down selector

Note if accessing the Employment Period page from the People page, this field will be pre-populated

Start Date

Start date of the employment period

End Date

End date of the employment period

Employment Type

Type of employment, such as 




Probationary Period End Date

Probation end date

Contract End Date

Contract end date

Termination Interview

Radio button - select if a termination interview was conducted

Termination Reason

Termination reason, such as




Exit Interviewer

Person conducting exit interview

  1. Click 'Save' to save the employment period record

Edit Employment Period

To edit an existing employment period, from the Employment Period page

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Use Filters as required to locate the relevant employment period

  3. Click 'Filter'

  4. Locate the specific employment period at the bottom of the screen (Hint: hiding filters can make viewing the results easier)

  5. Click 'Edit' to the far right of the relevant employment period


  6. Update required fields

  7. Click 'Save'

Delete Employment Periods

To delete an existing employment period, from the Employment Period page

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Use filters as required to locate the relevant employment period

  3. Click 'Filter'

  4. Locate the specific employment period at the bottom of the screen (Hint: hiding filters can make viewing the results easier)

  5. Click 'Actions' to the far right of the relevant employment period

  6. Click 'Delete'

  7. From the pop-up box that appears, select 'Delete'

Reporting from the Employment Periods Page

To generate a report for a specific group of employment periods, such as all those for the Star Wars Galaxy, from the Employment Periods page:

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Select the relevant filters

    1. Click 'Division', in this example select Star Wars Galaxy

    2. Apply any other Filters required

    3. Click 'Filter'

  3. All results will be displayed at the bottom of the screen

  4. Click 'Excel Export' to generate this report into Excel


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