Risk Queued Master Risks

Risk Queued Master Risks

Queued Master Risks

As seen in the Send New and Edited Risks to the System Administrator for Review section in the Risk Register page of this user guide, project managers can recommend new risks or changes to existing risks be added to the master risks for system administrators to review. Once this occurs, the recommendation will be listed on the Queued Master Risks page. It is now the system administrators task to review them for possible inclusion into the master risk register and templates. This allows for continual improvement on managing risks throughout the business.

Queued Master Risks Menu


The Queued Master Risks menu provides a list of the queued master risks that have been recommended by project managers or administrators.

In the Queued Master Risks page, administrators can:

  • Review forwarded risks for inclusion in the master risk register

  • Accept or discard recommended changes to new and edited risks

The Queue Type Field identifies if a queued risk is a newly created risk or an updated/ edited risk.

Review Forwarded Risks

To review a forwarded new or edited risk, from the Queued Master Risks page:

  1. Use filters to locate the risk to be reviewed

  2. Click 'Review' on the far right of the risk


  3. All suggested changes will be clearly highlighted with the existing value displayed next to the recommended change. Review the recommendation, and either 

    1. Click 'Accept Change?' or

    2. Ignore the suggested change and continue to the next suggestion


  4. Repeat until all recommendations have been reviewed and then either

    1. Click 'Accept' if all or some changes are to be accepted or

    2. Click 'Discard' if no changes are to be accepted


Accepting or Discarding Recommended Changes

Accepting Changes

Accepting one or more of the recommended changes will:

  • Update the master risk in the master risk register

  • Update any templates where the risk is included

  • NOT update any project risk registers where the risk is included. Each project risk register that includes the risk will need to be updated manually if the changes are required

  • Change the status of the queued master risk to 'Accepted'


Discarding the Change

Discarding the recommended changes will:

  • Have no impact on the master risk in the master risk register

  • Have no impact on any templates where the risk is included

  • Have no impact on any project risk registers where the risk is included

  • Change the status of the queued master risk to 'Rejected'


Filtering to View Processed Queued Master Risks

Once processed, queued master risks will not be visible by default. Use the 'Queue State' to view processed queued master risks.

Reporting from the Queued Master Risks Page

To generate a report for a specific group of queued master risks, from the Queued Master Risks page:

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Select the relevant filters

  3. Click 'Filter'

  4. All results will be displayed at the bottom of the screen

  5. Click 'Excel Export' to generate this report into Excel