Risk Register

Risk Register


The Risk Register menu lists all risk registers in the organisation.

Risk Registers

Each risk register that is created for a project, site, location or any other purpose is managed within the risk registers tab.  These are referred to as Project Risk Registers and are derived from the Master Risk Register.

The Risk Registers menu allows access to existing project risk registers. It is also where new project risk registers are created.

Risk Register Menu


In the Risk Registers page of Lucidity Risk, project managers and administrators can:

  • Manage project risk registers (create, copy, edit, archive or delete project risk registers)

  • Manage individual risks within the project risk register (view, add, edit or delete)

  • Generate an Excel report for a list of project risk registers 

  • Forward edited or new risks to the system administrator for review

Manage Project Risk Registers

Project managers can manage the process of project risk registers from start to finish. It is not uncommon for more than 1 project risk register to be created for a single project. For example, a risk register for the main project and then an additional register to cover plant related risks.

Create Project Risk Registers

To create a new project risk register from the Risk Registers page:

  1. Click 'Add New'


  2. Enter a title for the project risk register

  3. Populate relevant organisational fields (division, project etc)

  4. Select applicable risk templates to be included in the project risk register by:

    1. Click 'Add' under the heading Applicable Risk Templates.


    2. Select the required template from available templates:

      1. The search engine is intuitive and only part of the template title may be required. If too many results are returned, enter additional words into the search or use categories to narrow the results.
        Note: once selected, the only way to remove a Risk Template is by using the Clear Selection button which deselects all selected Risk Templates. 


    3. Rename the template if the existing name does not suit the specific project

      1. Note this does not affect the master template name


    4. Click 'Save' (or 'Save and New' to enter another template immediately). Selected templates are now displayed  


  5. Once added, the buttons on the far right of each template allow for:

    1. Reordering of the templates (the display order here sets the display order in the project risk register)

    2. Edit a template

    3. Delete a template from the list


  6. Add any comments or review points required by:

    1. Click 'Add' under the comments / review heading

    2. Enter the comment

    3. Click 'Save' (or 'Save and New' to add additional comments)


      1. Note the comment can be edited or deleted

  7. Upload any files or documents required by:

    1. Click 'Add Document' under the upload a file heading

    2. Locate the document 

    3. Click 'Open'

    4. Enter the file name and description as applicable

    5. Click 'Upload'

      1. Note the document can be edited or deleted

    6. Refer to the Uploading Files in Lucidity Modules user guide page for more details.

  8. Click 'Save' to create the project risk register and return to the risk registers menu


Edit Project Risk Registers

To edit existing project risk register templates from the risk registers page:

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Select the relevant Filters

  3. Click 'Filter'

  4. Click the 'Admin' button on the far right of the project risk register

  5. Update required fields

  6. Click 'Save'


Archive Project Risk Registers

Once a project is complete, the project risk registers may need to be archived. This removed them from the default list and places them in the archived risk registers page.

To archive a project risk register from the risk registers page:

  1. Use filters to locate the project risk register requiring archiving

  2. Click 'Actions' to the far right of the project risk register

  3. Click 'Archive'

  4. In the pop-up box that appears, select 'Archive'

  5. Archived project risk registers can then be viewed from the archived risk registers menu

  6. To unarchive a project risk register, follow the same steps from the archived risk registers menu

Delete Project Risk Registers

Project risk registers should never be deleted unless an error has been made - it is important to retain historical data on a project's risks.

In the event an error has occurred, delete project risk registers from the Risk Registers page by:

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Use Filters as required to locate the relevant project risk register

  3. Click 'Filter'

  4. Locate the specific project risk register at the bottom of the screen (Hint: Hiding filters can make viewing the results easier)

  5. Click 'Actions' to the far right of the relevant project risk register

  6. Click 'Delete'


  7. In the pop-up that appears, click 'Delete' to completely delete the project risk register from Lucidity Risk

Managing Individual Risks within the Project Risk Register



View Individual Risks in the Project Risk Register

To view existing risks associated within a project risk register, from the Risk Registers page:

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Select the relevant filters

  3. Click 'Filter'

  4. Locate the specific record at the bottom of the screen (Hint: hiding filters can make viewing the results easier)

  5. Click the 'Risks' button on the far right of the project risk register

    1. Use collapse all and expand all buttons for ease of viewing


Add Individual Risks to the Project Risk Register

To add additional risks to the project risk register, from the Project Register Risk Page:

  1. Click 'Add New'

  2. Complete the fields (Refer to 'Definitions of Fields' below)
    The details captured for each risk may vary slightly between each system configuration. Fields marked with * are mandatory.

    Definition of Fields
    There are a range of filters that can be used to classify each Risk. These can assist when filtering or sorting Risks and can be edited via the Settings tab. 






Displays the version number for the project risk and the master risk (where relevant) it is derived from.

Click ‘see history’ (if permissions allow) to view the audit history for the project risk.


Select the template the risk needs to be added to

Note a new template cannot be added at this step. The risk must be added to an existing template within the project risk register

Risk Category

Apply categories to a risk such as OH&S, Environmental, Finance

Risk Category (Secondary)

Apply secondary categories to a risk such as Fauna or Flora

The secondary risk category can be tiered. This is a feature that is controlled by Lucidity.


Apply classification to a risk such as Permit to Work or SWMS


Outline the activity that could results in a risk

For example: Pilot flying the Millennium Falcon

Hazard Aspect

Outline the hazard aspect associated with the risk

For example: encountering a meteorite shower

Unwanted Event

List the possible events (incidents) that may occur as a result of the hazard occurring

For example: Injuries to passenger and crew, damage to craft, fatalities

Uncontrolled Risk Score

Use the scale to determine the likelihood and the impact if the event was to occur, assuming no controls have been applied

The matrix will display the uncontrolled risk score

Mandatory Controls

List the mandatory controls that will be required to reduce the impact and the likelihood of the rsk occurring

For example: Pilots must always be licenced, pilots must complete Meteorite Prevention Training, radar detectors must be monitored at all times, flying during predicted meteorites showers is prohibited 

Project Specific Controls

List any project specific controls that aren't generic and won't be relevant for other projects within the organisation

NOTE: This is left blank when creating a new master risk

Legal and Other References

List any legal or other applicable references

Controlled Risk Score

Use the scale to determine the likelihood and the impact if the event was to occur, assuming mandatory and project specific controls have been applied.

The matrix will display the controlled risk score (note this should be less than the uncontrolled risk score)



Add any actions applicable to any team members. These will then appear on their 'My Actions' tab


Add any relevant comments (these may be added during the life of the project is a risk is updated rather than at the creation point)

Upload a File

Attachments can be added to a risk. Most file types such as photos, documents, spreadsheets etc are supported.

To upload a file: 

  1. Click the 'Add Document' button

  2. Select the file from your device and click 'Open'.

  3. Click 'Upload'

    1. You can add more than one document at a time

    2. Before clicking 'Upload' click 'Add Document' to select further files

  4. Update the name and description of the file if required

  5. Click 'Upload'

  6. The file can be edited or deleted from this screen at any time

Refer to the Uploading Files in Lucidity Modules user guide page for more details.

Reasons for change

Enter a brief explanation if editing or updating a risk. This will be viewable in the risk audit history.

  1. Click 'Save' to add the Risk to the template

Edit Individual Risks in the Project Risk Register

To edit additional risks to the project risk register, from the Risk Page:

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Use filters as required to locate the relevant risk

  3. Click 'Filter'

  4. Locate the specific risk at the bottom of the screen (Hint: hiding filters can make viewing the results easier)

  5. Click 'Edit' to the far right of the relevant risk


  6. Adjust as required

  7. Click 'Save' to keep the changes

Risk Audit History in the Project Risk Register

Risk audit history allows users to view an audit log of any changes to project risks. Users can also record changes to risks as they are being made so that they are then listed in the audit history.

To view the individual risk audit history, from the Risk page:

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Use Filters as required to locate the relevant risk

  3. Click 'Filter'

  4. Locate the specific risk at the bottom of the screen (Hint: hiding filters can make viewing the results easier)

  5. Click 'History' to the far right of the relevant risk


  6. Use filters and run Excel reports as required

  7. Click ‘View’ to the far right of each audit event to view full details

Note: The audit history can also be viewed within the edit screen of a project risk by clicking ‘see history’

Delete Individual Risks from a Project Risk Register

To delete risks that aren't relevant for the new project, from the Risk Page:

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Use filters as required to locate the relevant risk

  3. Click 'Filter'

  4. Locate the specific risk at the bottom of the screen (Hint: Hiding filters can make viewing the results easier)

  5. Click 'Actions' to the far right of the relevant risk

  6. Click 'Delete'

  7. In the pop-up that appears, click 'Delete' to completely delete the risk from the project risk register

Forwarding Risks to the System Administrator for Review


This process starts when the project manager of the risk register creates a new risk in the project risk register or modifies an existing risk and they feel the new or updated risk should be included in the master risk register.  The process is illustrated in the diagram below.


To forward a risk from the project risk register to the system administrator for review, from the Risk page:

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Use filters as required to locate the relevant risk

  3. Click 'Filter'

  4. Locate the specific risk at the bottom of the screen (Hint: hiding filters can make viewing the results easier)

  5. Click 'Send to Administrator' to the far right of the relevant risk

  6. Provide a reason for the system administrator explaining why the new risk or the change to an existing risk should be kept in the master risk register


  7. Click 'Send to Queue'

  8. The risk will now be included in the processing queue on the master risk register, together with the reason entered

Generating a Project Risk Register Report

To generate a project risk register report, such as one for the Millennium Falcon Project, from the Risk Register page:

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Select the relevant filters as required. In this example, type "Millennium" in the search bar

  3. Click 'Filter'

  4. Click 'Risks' to the far right of the project risk register 

  5. Click 'Excel Export' at the top of the page to generate this report into Excel


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