Risk Reports

Risk Reports

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There are two reports available from the Lucidity Risk Report menu. 

Things to Note

Most Reports:

  • Can be filtered using a range of options which vary depending on the type of report being used. Filter options may include risk register, risk category, risk score, division or project to name a few

  • Include the 'Save Current Filter' option, allowing for the reuse of selected filters

  • Include the My Emails and My Filters tabs, allowing access to saved filters and emailing of the report to selected users

  • Open in Excel. From here, data can be manipulated as required, merged with data from other reports, saved to PDF etc


Reporting on Large Quantities of Data

When running reports where large amounts of data is returned, it is important to know:

  • Run time may vary dependent on Internet speed and the quantity of data

  • Report results may be split across several worksheets within the Excel spreadsheet

Generating Reports

To generate any of the reports from the Reports menu:

  1. Click the required report


  2. Define the report by completing the relevant fields i.e. to filter the result by a risk register, risk category, risk score, division or project or any of the available filters

  3. Click 'Print' to generate the report

Available Reports

The following reports are available from the report menu:





Risk Summary

Lists all risks in a list format, including colour coding for risk scores.

ROWS: Risks

COLUMNS: Information about each risk, including controlled and uncontrolled risk scores

Risk Control

Effectiveness Report

Lists all risks in a list format, including colour coding for risk scores. Additional information relating to risk control effectiveness

ROWS: Risks

COLUMNS: Information about each risk, including controlled and uncontrolled risk scores



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