Risk Templates
Related pages:
Templates are used to group master risks together for use within project risk registers. Each template will become a risk grouping within the project risk register and can be renamed within the project risk register to suit the stages or terminology being used within the project if required.
Templates Menu
Video: Templates Menu Overview
In the Templates page, administrators can:
Add, edit and view templates
Copy, archive or delete templates
Download documents attached to templates
Use a variety of filters in isolation or combined to select templates to view
Export lists of templates to Excel
Adding a Template
Retaining System Integrity
Only the system administrator has the permission to add, edit and delete templates. This should be managed very carefully to retain the integrity of the system and to avoid duplicate templates. It is a worthwhile exercise to create a standard set of guidelines that all new templates entered must follow.
Video: Add a Template
To create a new template, from the Templates page:
Click 'Add New'
Complete the fields (see table 'Definitions of Fields' below)
The details captured for each template may vary slightly between each system configuration. Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Definition of Fields
There are a range of filters that can be used to classify each template. These can assist when filtering or sorting templates and can be edited via the Settings tab.
Name | Definition |
Template Name | Name the template so it is easily identifiable |
Owner | Denotes the owner of the template |
Primary Category | Apply a primary category to the Template such as Plant and Equipment, Business |
Secondary Category | Apply a secondary category to the template such as Fixed Plant, Hand Tools, Mobile Plant Note: The second category is generally not used |
Spare | A spare filter can be used if required |
Upload any relevant documents by:
a. Click 'Add Document'
b. Locate the document
c. Click 'Open'
d. Enter the file name and description as applicable
e. Click 'Upload'
f. Refer to the Uploading/Managing Files user guide page for more details.
Click 'Save' to create the template
Copying Templates
If a new template is similar to an existing one, the existing template can be copied from the template page by clicking the 'Copy' button from the actions button. Make any necessary changes and save the new template.
Editing Admin Details in a Template
To edit the admin details in a template, from the Template page:
Click 'Show Filters'
Use filters as required to locate the relevant template
Click 'Filter'
Locate the specific template at the bottom of the screen (Hint: hiding filters can make viewing the results easier)
Click 'Admin' to the far right of the relevant template
Adjust fields as required
Click 'Save' to keep the changes
Adding Risks to a Template
To add risks from the master risk registry to a template, from the Template page:
Click 'Show Filters'
Use Filters as required to locate the relevant template
Click 'Filter'
Locate the specific template at the bottom of the screen (Hint: hiding filters can make viewing the results easier)
Click 'Risks' to the far right of the relevant template
The default view is to display risks that are included in the template already. Use the "Included in Template" and/ or search filters to locate the risk to be added to the template. The details for each risk can also be viewed.
Click 'Filter"
Continue using filters until the risk to be added has been located
Click "Add to Template" on the far right
The risk will now be part of the template
Adding Risks to Templates
Adding a risk to an existing template will not automatically add the new risk to existing project risk registers. This will need to be managed manually.
Delete Risks from Templates
Video: Delete Risks from Templates
To delete risks from a template, from the Template page:
Follow steps 1 - 5 from Adding Risks to a Template above
Click 'Remove from Template' on the far right of the risk to be removed
The risk will now be removed from the template
Removing Risks from a Template
Removing a risk from an existing template will not automatically remove the risk from existing project risk registers. This will need to be managed manually.
Archiving Templates
Video: Archive and Delete Templates
To archive a template, from the Template page:
Use filters as required to locate the relevant template
Click 'Filter'
Locate the specific template at the bottom of the screen (Hint: hiding filters can make viewing the results easier)
Click the 'Actions' button to the right of the template
Click 'Archive'
In the pop-up box that appears, select 'Archive'
Archived templates can then be viewed from the archived templates menu
To unarchive a template, follow the same steps from the archived templates menu
Archiving a Template
Archiving a template will not automatically remove the template from existing project risk registers. This will need to be managed manually.
Deleting Templates
To delete a template, from the Templates page:
Use filters as required to locate the relevant template
Click 'Filter'
Locate the specific template at the bottom of the screen (Hint: hiding filters can make viewing the results easier)
Click the 'Actions' button to the right of the template
Click 'Delete'
In the pop-up screen that appears, click 'Delete'
Deleting Templates
Deleting a template CANNOT be undone so be 100% certain prior to proceeding. It will not automatically remove the template from existing project risk registers. This will need to be managed manually.
Downloading Documents Attached to a Template
To download any documents attached to a template, from the Template page:
Click 'Show Filters'
Use filters as required to locate the relevant template
Click 'Filter'
Locate the specific template at the bottom of the screen (Hint: hiding filters can make viewing the results easier)
Click the 'Zip' icon to the right of the template
A download will commence. Note this may take some time dependent on Internet speed and number of files
Unzip the file once downloaded (this is usually found in the My Downloads folder under My Computer) and save as required
Reporting from the Templates Page
To generate a report for a specific group of templates, from the Template page:
Click 'Show Filters'
Select the relevant filters
Click 'Filter'
All results will be displayed at the bottom of the screen
Click 'Excel Export' to generate the report into Excel