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Contractor Representative

A representative from the external contracting company who will be responsible for the completion of all assigned tasks within the Lucidity system.

Contractor Manager

A representative from the internal organisation who is responsible for the management of the contracting company, often both within and outside of the Lucidity system.
This does not necessarily need to be a "Manager" within the organisation, rather the individual managing the company.

Many Lucidity Software modules can be utilised together to manage the full life cycle of companies, contractors and sub-contractors. Lucidity aims to streamline this process and, where appropriate, contractor representatives (administrators from the external company) can be given access to the system to manage their own documents and subcontractors, lightening the administrative burden for the organisation.

Some examples of tasks contractor representatives may be asked to do within the Lucidity system are:

  • Ensure their staff complete company inductions in Lucidity Induction

  • Stay abreast of their requirements via Lucidity Intranet

  • Manage the HR details of their staff in Lucidity HR, including the archiving of sub-contractors

  • Manage the needs and records of their staff in Lucidity Competency, including role allocation and uploading of records and ensuring all remain up-to-date and valid

  • Manage company documents in Lucidity Contractor and ensuring all remain up-to-date and valid

  • Manage company assets in Lucidity Asset

  • Report incidents affecting or involving the organisation in Lucidity Incident

  • Complete form records in Lucidity InForm

  • View permits and isolations in Lucidity Permit to Work


This guide aims to provide suggestions and recommendations but is not a definitive list. Organisations may chose to have contractors manage only 1 or any combination of the above options. This needs to be an internal business decision.

It is, however, recommended that contractor representatives are not asked to manage too many different items in the system. A common approach is inductions, subcontractor records and contractor documents only. This is outlined in more detail in the Contractor Onboarding Workflow section below.


Once decisions have been made regarding the exact requirements and responsibilities expected of Contractor Representatives, there are several different approaches which can be taken when it comes to implementing contractor management in Lucidity. These include implementing the full process with a small number of contractors as a pilot, or implementation part of the process with all contractors. It is generally not suggested that the full process is implemented from day one with all contractors, without a trial period or pilot to test the process and become familiar.

Best Practice

It is recommended to implement contractor management progressively, initially with 1 or 2 modules to a small group of contractors. This allows the process to become familiar to all involved, and to make any adjustments prior to rolling out to the full contractor database. In this way organisations can select the contractors with whom they will engage in the initial stages, and Contractor Representatives are able to provide feedback to improve the process before the wider roll-out.

The following is a basic checklist of tasks which need to occur prior to the implementation of contractor management. Where relevant, links to user guide instructions have been included:


Getting Started

The Contractor Onboarding Quick Reference Guide provides a step-by-step suggested workflow for full end-to-end contractor onboarding management within Lucidity.

Download as: PDF | Powerpoint

The Lucidity Contractor Onboarding Process Diagram provides a suggested process with additional details illustrating how Competency training roles can be used to manage contractor requirements.

Download as: PDF | Powerpoint

The Contractor Onboarding with OnSite Process Diagram illustrates how OnSite tap-on tap-off hardware can be incorporated into the contractor onboarding process.

Download as: PDF | Powerpoint

Once all set up is complete, the process with the contractor representatives can begin.

The following is a basic workflow outlining the steps required to allow contractor representatives to:

  • Create their own self-registered profile in Lucidity Induction

  • View the status of their staff's inductions

  • Convert/approve their staff's profile to Lucidity HR and associated induction record to Lucidity Competency

  • Assign training roles to their staff and upload licences, tickets, qualifications etc

  • Manage the HR details of their staff, including archiving

  • Upload required company documents in Lucidity Contractor

This is not a definitive list and each organisation may change the workflow to suit individual needs. Where relevant, links to user guide instructions have been included:



Responsible Party

Additional Notes


Email sent to contractor representative

Contractor Manager

To include link to Induction self-registration page and applicable instructions

A template can be found in the Lucidity Contractor Onboarding Comms Pack


Complete self-registration

Contractor Representative

It is recommended the profile created references the company name rather than the individual contractor representatives name. This way, the same profile can be reused by the company if the contractor representative changes.


Convert and approve the contractor representative and assign access roles (permissions) to contractor representative

Contractor Manager

Ensure all contractor reps are scoped for EVERY MODULE to ensure they can only view their company details, records, employees and documents and don't have access to other company details. 


Send welcome email / link to Intranet Contractor Portal

Contractor Manager

A template can be found in the Lucidity Contractor Onboarding Comms Pack


Read instructions in Contractor Portal and follow steps/ links

Contractor Representative

These should be clear and easy to follow and updated as appropriate

Examples can be seen in the Lucidity Demo site. Please contact Lucidity Support if access has not been previously provided (for existing clients only)


Arrange for completion of inductions via self-registration of contractor employees

Contractor Representative

Completions should be validated and any incomplete followed up on a regular basis. Scheduled reports are recommended by utilising the My Email feature (include link to instructions in the Contractor Portal)


Convert contractor employees

Contractor Representative

Ensure all induction requirements are completed first


Assign training roles

Contractor Representative

If default roles are allocated and no additional roles required, this step can be skipped


Upload capabilities (licences, tickets etc) for contractor employees

Contractor Representative

Follow up on any outstanding needs


Upload required company documents

Contractor Representative

Dependent on privileges, the contractor representative may be able to upload additional documents on top of those deemed required


Validate company documents

Contractor Manager

If incorrect, these can be returned and corrections requested


Archive contractor employees

Contractor Representative

Should be completed in a timely manner whenever a contractor employee leaves or is no longer required to work for the hiring organisation 


Archive contractor representative and archive company

Contractor Manager

Should be completed in a timely manner whenever a contracting company will no longer be hired by the organisation

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