Manage Forms

Manage Forms



Publish Forms

Publishing a form makes the form available to users to complete (if it's a new form) or updates the version of the form that new users of the form complete. 

From the Edit Form screen, four options are available:


Preview the form prior to publishing. This will also save the form.

Note: Some features, such as conditional display, are not available from the preview screen.


Save the current version of the form but does not publish the form. The new version of the form is not yet accessible to users.


Saves the current version of the form and publishes for users to access.


Cancel changes


Preview Forms

It is recommended forms are always previewed prior to publishing to ensure the form displays as required on both a computer and a mobile device.

Three form published status indicators exist to denote the current status of the form. This is displayed on the Form Admin page:


The form has never been published, and it will not be available to users.


The current form template has been published. There are no unpublished changes.


There is a previously published version of the form that is in use. There are also unpublished changes saved for the form. The unpublished changes will not be available to users.


Published Status

The column configuration tool may need to be used to ensure the "Form Published Status" column is displayed.

Edit Forms

Form admin details and form fields can all be edited after a form has been published.

Edit Form Admin Details

To edit form admin details, from the Form Admin List page:

  1. Use filters to locate the form to edit

  2. Click 'Actions' on the far right

  3. Click 'Admin'


  4. The admin details page will be displayed

  5. Edit as required

  6. Click 'Save and Next' 


  7. The edit form screen will be displayed

  8. Click 'Publish' to allow the changes to be viewable to new users of the form 


Edit Form Fields

To edit form fields, from the Form Admin List page:

  1. Use filters to locate the form to edit

  2. Click 'Edit Draft' on the far right


  3. The edit form screen opens

  4. Edit form fields as required

  5. Save and publish as ready


Copy Forms

If a new form is required and it is similar to an existing form, copying may be easier than starting from scratch.

To copy a form, from the Form Admin List page:

  1. Use filters to locate the form to copy

  2. Click 'Actions' on the far right

  3. Click 'Copy Form'


  4. A copy of the form will be made and can now be edited

Managing Version Control

When a new version of a form is to be released, several things need to be considered carefully. If a simple spelling error or similar is to be changed, it is recommended to simply edit the existing version and republish.

If new form fields are to be added, old to be changed or removed or any other significant changes are to be made, it is recommended a new form is created.

To create a new version, from the Form Admin List page:

  1. Copy the form as per instructions above

  2. Label the new version 'V2' or similar OR an Info Form Field can be used to track version numbers and placed at bottom of the form

    1.  This would need updating each time the form is updated and could include version numbers, dates,internal document reference numbers etc.

  3. Archive V1 of the form as per instructions below

  4. Edit V2 accordingly and publish

Archive Forms

To withdraw a form from use (either temporarily or permanently), it can be archived.

To archive a form, from the Form Admin List page:

  1. Use filters to locate the form to archive

  2. Click 'Actions' on the far right

  3. Click 'Archive'


  4. Click 'Archive' to confirm


  5. Once archived, existing form records can be viewed from the Form Records page by applying the 'Form Archived' filter

    1. Form records cannot be edited when the form has been archived

    2. New form records cannot be created


Delete Forms

To delete a Form, from the Form Admin List page:

  1. Use filters to locate the form to delete

  2. Click 'Actions' on the far right

  3. Click 'Delete'


  4. Confirm the deletion


  5. The form will now be deleted


Reporting from the Form Admin Page

A standard Excel list report is available from the Form Admin page. 

To run a report, from the List Form Admin page:

  1. Click 'Show Filters'

  2. Use filters as required to locate the relevant form(s)

  3. Click 'Filter'

  4. The lower half of the screen lists out search result. These will be reflected in the report

  5. Click 'Excel Export'


  6. In the Excel report, sort and manipulate the data or merge the data with other reports as required

  7. Save the report



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