Configurable Attributes

Configurable Attributes


Configurable attributes are used to configure each form field to suit specific requirements. Some are unique to each individual field while many are shared across multiple form fields. 

To configure form field attributes, from the Form Edit page:

  1. Select the required form field as per instruction above

  2. Use the edit field screen on the left to configure the attribute as required (Refer to Definition of Configurable Attributes below)

Definition of Fields: Configurable Attributes

Most configurable attribute functionality is covered in the videos in the Definitions of Fields: Form Fields table on the Form Records page of this user guide. Therefore only those items not covered previously are viewable here.

Configurable Attribute

Form Field


Configurable Attribute

Form Field


Reference ID


VIDEO here 

Used to track which column corresponds to which field in the form. Useful for repeated fields or where fields have the same or similar labels such as 'Description' and long forms are utilised.

When used, the reference ID will display in brackets the form records page as part of the field label as well as on Excel reports.


Note: Column configuration may need to be adjusted for relevant fields to display. Refer to the Column Configuration section on the Introduction page of this user guide for more details.



Provide a label/ title for the field and additional instructions for respondents if required.



Select if the field is to be set to mandatory. Respondents will be able to save form progress, but the form record status will remain on 'In Progress' until all mandatory fields are completed.

Conditionally Display


Checkbox, radio buttons and drop-down form fields can be used to conditionally display the form field in the question directly following it (not available for use in tables)

For example, if 'other' is an option, an additional text field can be created so the respondent must provide further detail. The text field will only be displayed if 'other' is selected.


See the Conditionally Display section on the Auto Population & Scoring page of the user guide for more details.

Add Photo




VIDEO here

Allows the end-user to add a photo directly below the text, paragraph or info box. These can be set to required (mandatory) if needed.

When using this tool, only images can be uploaded. Other document types such as PDFs can be added to the 'Add Document' button at the end of every form. 

See the Supported File Types in the Uploading / Managing Files page of the user guide for more details.

Add Action





Allows the end-user to add an action directly below the text, paragraph or info box. These can be set to required (mandatory) if needed. 

When viewed onscreen, Actions will only be listed under the question they pertain to. When viewed as a PDF, Actions will be listed under the question they pertain to as well as at the bottom of the PDF report as a consolidated list incorporating all actions raised throughout the form. 

Include Scoring


Radio Button

Select if scoring is to be applied to the question.

See the Scoring section on the Auto Population & Scoring page of the user guide for more details.

Editing Tools


Information boxes allow for simple editing of text, as well as the insertion of tables and hyperlinks.



Radio Button


Populate all responses to be displayed in the drop-down, radio button or checkbox list.

Click 'Add Option' to add more options and click the - to remove an option.

Display Full Width


By selecting 'Display full width' the title/ label of the table will display above the table.

Note: if the form is likely to be used on a mobile device, it is recommended to select this option to ensure it displays correctly.

Header Label/ Background Colour

Form Fields within a Table

Use to adjust the text and background colour for form fields within tables.

Default to Current Date


Select to have the current date automatically displayed. Respondents can adjust if required.

Default to Current Time


Select to have the current time automatically displayed. Respondents can adjust if required.

Number of Options per Row

Radio Button

Adjust number to change display of radio button options.

Populate From



Select to have data auto populated for the respondent.

Works together with the data source form field. 

See the Auto Population of Data section on the Auto Population & Scoring page of the user guide for more details.

Data Source

Data Source

Select the data source the form is to gather data from.

Asset Data Source

When using Lucidity Asset as a data source, only selected assets will appear in the selection list when completing the form. In order to have particular assets appear in the list, they must be of an asset type that has been specifically flagged to be included in the list displayed.

For details on how to flag asset types, refer to the Settings page in the Lucidity Asset user guide.


See the Auto Population of Data section on the Auto Population & Scoring page of the user guide for more details.


Data Source

Select which field from the data source is to be displayed.

See the Auto Population of Data section on the Auto Population & Scoring page of the user guide for more details.

Apply a Filter?

Data Source

Select if filters are to be applied to the data source displayed.

See the Auto Population of Data section on the Auto Population & Scoring page of the user guide for more details.

Whole Numbers only?


Select if only whole numbers (no decimals) are allowed for numbers.

Minimum / Maximum


Display Column Total




Select if the number fields in the column of the table are to be summed up and displayed.

See Definitions of Fields: Edit Table - Table Column Total on the Create a New Form - Form Design page of the user guide for more details.




Select if the number fields in the row of the table are to be summed up or multiplied.

See Definitions of Fields: Edit Table - Table Row Totals & Multiply on the Create a New Form - Form Design page of the user guide for more details.


Additional Fields

The ability to add an action and/ or and attachment to a form will automatically appear once the form is published. These will display to the respondent in the 'Additional' section at the bottom of the form. Therefore there is no need to add this as a form field.




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