Print & Email Form Records

Print & Email Form Records


PDF files of form records can be printed individually or bulk downloaded. PDFs can be generated from:

  • The InForm module in the browser, either as individual PDF’s or in bulk, and

  • Via the Lucidity App.

Print PDFs

To Print a PDF of a form record, from the Form Records page:

  1. Locate the form record either from the List All page or via the specific form group

  2. Click 'Show Filters'

  3. Apply required Filters to locate the form record

  4. Click 'Actions' on the far right-hand side of the form record


  5. Click 'Print'


  6. The form record will be opened in a new tab in the selected browser as a PDF and can be downloaded from here

Attached Images

Images attached throughout the form will print in the applicable location within the PDF (ie - a photo added within the form will print at the location it was added).

Images that are attached at the bottom of the form as part of the ‘Add Document’ field will appear at the bottom of the PDF as photos, 4 per page as a grid (2 x 2).

Bulk Download PDFs

Printed form records can be downloaded in bulk to avoid having to print one by one. The Bulk Download Wizard allows for selection of the specific forms required to be printed and will then generate a .zip file containing all the form records as a PDF.

To bulk print PDFs, from the Form Records page:

  1. Ensure the List All page is being utilised, the feature is not available on individual form pages

  2. Apply filters and / or use header sorting to narrow down the selection of form records as much as possible

    1. A maximum of 100 records can be downloaded at one time

    2. The top 100 records displayed on the page (according to filters applied and header sorters) will be printed

    3. Any over 100 will be ignored by the wizard and not printed

  3. Click 'Bulk Download'


  4. When the wizard opens, select/ deselect the required form records to be downloaded

    1. Select the top box to select all 

    2. Tick or untick individual form records as required

    3. Only the first 100 will be downloaded

  5. Click 'Next'


  6. Review the form record selection and click 'Confirm'


  7. A message will display to say the file is being generated. This will be in the form of an email and may take several minutes or longer, depending on the number of form records requested.

  8. Click 'Return' to return to the Form Records page
    From the logged in users email application, open the email and click the link to download the .zip file


  9. Once downloaded, open the .zip downloaded file

    1. Note accessing this file is dependant on different computer set ups and browser used. It may display at the bottom of the screen and/ or be located in the 'My Downloads' folder

  10. Once open, each requested form record will be available as an individual .pdf file

Email Form Records

Form records can be emailed to users with or without profiles within the system and can be sent to either to a single person, a group of people or to a user group from the form records page.

To email a form record, from the form records page:

  1. Locate the form record either from the List All page or via the specific form group

  2. Click 'Show Filters'

  3. Apply required filters to locate the form record

  4. Click 'Actions' on the far right-hand side of the form record


  5. Click 'Send Form Record' 


  6. The email popover will open  


  7. Enter recipient email address. There are 3 options for entering email addresses:

    1. Manually type the addresses:

      1. Type the addresses in the "To:" field. Multiple addresses can be entered

      2. As each email is typed any matches from the user database are displayed

      3. If there is no match i.e. the email address is not for a user within the database, an option will be shown to add the email

    2. Select individual addresses from the user database:

      1. Click the Search emails drop-down

      2. A User popover will be displayed

      3. Select individual email addresses by searching in the list

      4. Click done

    3. Select a User Group from the user database:

      1. Click the search emails drop-down

      2. A user popover will be displayed

      3. Using the user group selector, select a user group to filter the list.  

      4. Once filtering is complete, click 'Select All' or select individual users from the user group

      5. Click 'Done'


  8. Enter a subject line

  9. Enter an email body

  10. Click 'OK'

  11. Lucidity InForm attaches a PDF of the record to the email and sends to all recipients



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