Auto Population & Scoring
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Auto Population
Auto population of data from other modules is possible using what are called Data Source form fields. Data sources make data available within InForm from the following modules:
Asset (plant and equipment)
HR (personnel details)
Access (Company, Project etc)
Video: Auto Population of Data
The data source field can be used to populate additional information automatically from the original source.
In order for this feature to work, the following two form fields are required:
Data source
For example, respondents may be required to select a contracting company, using Lucidity Contractor as the data source. Once selected, the company's ABN (assuming this field is populated in Lucidity Contractor) could be set to automatically populate. (Note that if Lucidity Contractor is not available, company names can be modified via the Settings tab in Lucidity Access.)
To set the auto population of data, from the Edit Form page:
Add data source as a new field to the form
Add reference ID, details and select 'Required' if applicable
Refer to Definitions of Fields: Configurable Attributes on this page of the user guide for more details
Adding additional instructions for the respondent will assist them populating the fields
Select the relevant data source from the drop-down list
In this example, Company has been selected
Select the field to be displayed from the drop-down list
Note this will adjust dependant on the data source selected
In this example, Name has been selected
Some data source fields allow for a filter to be applied. This means only criteria meeting the filter will be available for selection. If a filter is required:
Select 'Apply a Filter'
Select the filter required
Tick which criteria must be met
In this example, company names will only be available for selection if their company status = approved
Add text as a new field to the form
Add reference ID, details and select 'Required' as applicable
Note: Required must be selected for this functionality to work
Adding additional instructions for the respondent will assist them populating the fields
Select the 'Populate From' source
All existing data sources in the form will be available
In this example form, 3 data sources already exist for employee reporting incident, as well as 1 each for manager/ supervisor and contracting company
Contracting Company has been selected
Select the relevant field in the second populate from drop down
This will relate to the initial selection
In this example, as contracting company was selected initially, all fields relating to company in Lucidity Contractor will be available. If 'Employee Reporting Incident' had been selected, all employee fields in Lucidity HR would be available.
ABN/ ACN has been selected
Additional text fields can be added if required to populate more information from the data source. In the example above, the company's phone number and/ or email could be added.
Note that a separate text field is required for each additional value to be populated from the data source.
10. The option to make the text or paragraph field read only is available. In the event no data exists, the field will remain blank. Enabling the read only field means users completing the form will not be able to edit or change the auto-populated information, even if the field remains blank.
For forms that are audit or checklists and it is desirable to compare results, scoring can be enabled. Scoring can be weighted, and there are options to determine how questions that are not answered are treated.
Scoring Setup
Scores will only be displayed on forms that have scoring configured. There are two types of scoring configurations that can be applied from the Form Admin page:
Entire Form | The total potential score is calculated by adding the maximum possible score for each form field within the form that has scoring applied. The score is then the result for all selections made divided by the maximum possible score. Elements that have scoring but there was no selection are treated as '0' and contribute to the overall score. i.e. score will be based on every question where a score is applied, even if an answer is not provided. |
Responses Submitted | The total potential score is calculated by adding the maximum possible score for each element for which a selection has been made. The score is then the result for those selections, divided by the maximum possible for those form fields only. i.e. score will be based on every question where a score is applied, only if an answer is provided. |
Two form fields can have scoring applied:
Radio button
Scoring is enabled by ticking 'Include Scoring' in the form edit screen.
In the example below, when Excellent is selected by a respondent, a score of 5 will be applied. When Very Good is selected, a score of 4 is applied and so-on.
Scoring is calculated and displayed as a percentage and can be viewed on the screen as a form is being completed, from the list of records and from Excel reports.
Scoring Weight
The total potential score is calculated by adding the maximum possible score for each form field within the form where scoring is applied. For example, if there are three form fields within the form that have scoring applied, and they each have a maximum possible score of 5, then the total possible score is 15. Each form field has equal weighting.
It is also possible to have unevenly weighted questions if required. This means the maximum scores for form fields can be different. For example, there may be three form fields within the form that have scoring applied, and the maximum possible score is 5, 5 and 10. In this scenario, the total possible score is 20. However, the form field that has the maximum of 10 will contribute 50% of the score outcome.