Incident Meetings
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Lucidity InForm
Where possible, it is recommended Lucidity InForm is used in place of this section. This will allow for much more flexibility with recording of meeting notes.
The Meetings tab can be used to record meetings and other similar events. This then allows the outcomes of the meetings to be captured within the action management system. Meetings can be classified according to a category and sub-category and against the organisation structure. Attendees can be recorded and the minutes attached.
In the Meetings/ Other tab of Lucidity Incident, users can (role dependent):
Add, edit and delete meeting details
Print individual meeting details
Report on meetings in Excel format
Add New Meeting
To add a new meeting, from the Meeting page:
Click 'Add New'
Complete the fields (Refer to 'Definitions of Fields' below)
The details captured for each entry may vary slightly between each system configuration. Fields marked with * are mandatory.Click 'Save'
Definition of Fields
Category - Meeting | Select the category the meeting relates to For example: client, site etc |
Subcategory - Meeting | Select the subcategory the meeting relates to For example: If site is the category, subcategories may be pre-start, toolbox etc |
Meeting Date | Use the date selector tool to enter the date the meeting was held |
Organisational Details | Select organisation details as applicable such as division, location, project etc. |
Entered By | Pre-populated to name of person currently logged in |
Description | Enter a description of the meeting |
Comments | Add any comments to the meeting details
Actions | Add any actions required as a result of the meeting
Attendees | Select the names of the employees or people who attended the meeting Select the name of the employee or person from the drop-down list or type their name if it doesn't appear in the list |
Upload a File | Upload any files associated with the meeting
Refer to the Uploading Files in Lucidity Modules user guide page for more details. |
Edit Meetings
To edit a meeting, from the meeting page:
Use filters to locate the relevant meeting
Click 'Edit' on the far right-hand side of the meeting
Edit details as required
Click 'Save' to save changes and return to the meeting page
Delete Meetings
To delete a meeting, from the Meeting page:
Use filters to locate the relevant meeting
Click 'Actions' on the far right-hand side of the meeting
Click 'Delete'
In the pop-up window that appears, click 'Delete' to confirm
Reporting from the Meeting Page
Print Meeting Details
To print a PDF of all the meeting details, from the Meeting page:
Use filters to locate the relevant meeting
Click 'Edit' on the far right-hand side of the meeting
Click 'Print' at the top of the page
The PDF will open according to specific browser requirements
Excel List Report
To generate a report for a specific group of meetings, from the Meetings page:
Select the relevant filters
Click 'Filter'
All results will be displayed at the bottom of the screen
Click 'Excel Export' to generate this report into Excel