Incident Settings

Incident Settings


The Settings tab is only available to the system administrator and is where the managed lists that are available within the filters of Lucidity Incident are generated, as well as where the root causes for causal analysis are created.

From the Settings tab, system administrators can:

  • Add new, edit, and delete items from each list

  • Use filters to search each list

  • Generate an Excel report for each list

  • Manage causal analysis root causes

Editing Settings

Care must be taken to ensure that any entries in lists that are modified do not have unintentional consequences, as all existing issues, causal analysis etc that have used a particular selection in a list will be also modified.

Managed Lists

From the managed lists section, there is a large number of lists that are accessible. Refer to the relevant 'table of definitions' within each page of this user guide for more details.


Managing Companies and Contractors

A managed list for companies and a separate list for contractors appears in various locations in the Incident module. Typically, they are used for the following purposes. 

  • Companies: the list of companies is managed in Lucidity Access and typically includes all companies that are used as a regular contractor or supplier to the organisation. This list is used throughout the entire Lucidity suite (Access, Contractor, Induction etc).

  • Contractors: the list of contractors in managed in Lucidity Incident and typically includes one-off contractors who may be a subbie of a subbie of a subbie for example. It's typically a contractor who isn't a regular supplier but was on site at the time of the issue and therefore needs to be listed in the report.

Note these are guidelines only and can be utilised in anyway that suits. It may be preferred to only utilise on of the lists and not use the other at all.

Adding a new Injury Severity

Lucidity Incident allows for full flexibility to create a range of injury severity options for reporting, and then control which of these flows through to the LTIFR and MTIFR etc and which do not.


To add a new injury severity and specify how it is treated for injury frequency rate reporting purposes, from the Managed Lists menu:

  1. Search for and locate the 'Injury Severities' managed list.


  2. The current injury severity options will be displayed, including whether each option contributes to an injury frequency rate calculation. 

  3. Click 'Add New' to create a new injury severity option

  4. Enter the label and description for the new injury severity option

  5. Select the calculation type from the drop-down list 

    1. The example below does not contribute to any calculation as calculation type = do not report

  6. Click 'Save'

  7. The new injury severity option will now appear in the injury report form and in relevant managed lists

Causal Analysis

The non-conformance and incident issue types use the causal analysis questions. The questions for the causal analysis are configured using the ‘Incident Root Causes’ and ‘Non Conformance Root Causes.’ 

Refer to the List Issues section in the Causal Analysis page in this user guide for more details.

To add a new root cause to either the incident or non-conformance root causes list, from the relevant Root Cause page:

  1. Click 'Add New'

  2. Complete all fields (see table of 'Definitions of Fields' table and related image below)

  3. Note: 

    1. The details captured for each root cause may vary slightly between each system configuration. Fields marked with*are mandatory

  4. Once complete, click 'Save' to save changes 

Definition of Fields

Question ID

Enter question ID number

Used to place the root cause items in a particular order

Any number is accepted, '.00' will be added by default to any whole numbers


Enter the description of the incident or non-conformance root cause.

This is generally a question, such as "Did the design of plant, facilities or equipment contribute to the Incident?"

Make This a Heading

Select Yes or No to make the item a section heading rather than a question

The next 3 fields cannot be populated if 'Yes' is selected

Contributing Factor

Enter the contributing factor for the Incident or non-conformance root cause.

This is generally a summary of the question, such as "design of plant, facilities or equipment" and is displayed below the full question

Parent Question

Select the parent question if relevant. The new question will then become a sub-question of the parent

Has Action

Select Yes or No to determine if an action is required to be created if the question is selected

If 'No' is selected, the contributing factor is recorded as a finding and no action is required


System Settings within Lucidity Access

Some settings for Lucidity Incident are managed via the Settings tab within Lucidity Access as they apply to more than one Lucidity application. These include:

  • Division

  • Location

  • Business Unit

  • Project

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