Risk Access Roles and Privileges

Risk Access Roles and Privileges


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The standard roles typically provided in all new Lucidity system builds are as follows. These can be edited by system administrators as required.

To further understand the Risk module, refer to the Lucidity Risk user guide for more details.

Role Name

Role Description


Role Name

Role Description


Read Only

Using Risk, a user can view project risk registers and manage own actions

Dashboard - Widgets Read-only

Registers - Read Only


Using Risk, a user can manage, archive and delete project registers, run reports, use dashboard widgets and manage actions

Actions (All) - Create and Edit

Actions (My) - Create and Edit

Dashboard - Widgets

Registers - Manage

Risk - Reports


Administrator role for Risk

All privileges EXCEPT:

Actions (All) - View

Actions (My) - View

Dashboard - Widgets Read-only

Registers - Read-only

Report Emailing Administrator

Settings - Column Configuration

Column Configuration

Using Risk, a user can configure columns displayed on screen and in reports (in conjunction with admin role)

Column Configuration

Report Emailing

Using Risk, a user can configure scheduled reports on behalf of other users (in conjunction with admin role)

Report Emailing Administrator




Privilege Names

What the Privilege Does

Privilege Names

What the Privilege Does

Actions (All) - Create & Edit

ACTIONS added as a tab. Allows user to view, create and edit all actions from ALL ACTIONS menu and the user's own actions from the MY ACTIONS menu.  

Actions (All) - Delete

Allows user to delete all actions from ALL ACTIONS menu or the user's own actions from the MY ACTIONS menu. Needs to be used in conjunction with one of the other action privileges to function.

Actions (All) - View

ACTIONS added as a tab. Allows user to view only all actions from ALL ACTIONS menu and the user's own actions from the MY ACTIONS menu.

Actions (My) - Create & Edit

ACTIONS added as a tab. Allows user to view, create and edit their own actions from the MY ACTIONS menu.

Actions (My) - Delete

Allows user to delete their own actions from MY ACTIONS menu. Needs to be used in conjunction with one of the other action privileges to function.

Actions (My) - View

ACTIONS added as a tab. Allows the user to view their own actions from the MY ACTIONS menu.

Dashboard - Template Manager

Allows user to create; edit; and delete Dashboard Templates that can be utilised by other users to create their own Dashboards.

Dashboard - Widgets

Allows user to add Dashboards using a template or create own Dashboards. User can then view, edit and delete Dashboards and manage Dashboard content. Dashboards created by a user cannot be shared with another user.

Dashboard - Widgets Read-Only

Allows user to access their Dashboard, but they will not be able to edit, add or remove widgets. The user's Dashboard(s) must be set up by the Administrator. The Administrator would temporarily apply the Widget privilege to the user; log in as that user; set up the Dashboard(s); and then remove the Widget privilege.

Master Register - Manage

MASTER REGISTER will appear on horizontal menu. Allows user to view, add, edit, delete & copy master risks. The user will be able to process queued master risks generated by Project Risk Register users. The user will be able to add and remove master risks from existing Templates. The Templates-Manage privilege will need to be applied to the user, if they are required to create these Templates.

Registers - Manage

Allows user to view, add, edit & delete Project Risk Registers. The user will be able to add Templates to a Project Risk Register; add, edit & delete risks within the Register; and queue new risks and changes to the Administrator for possible inclusion in the Master Risk Register.

Registers - Manage Archived

Allows user to view and archive Project Risk Registers. Needs to be used in conjunction with the Registers-Manage privilege to function.

Registers - Read Only

Allows user to open and view Project Risk Registers.

Report Emailing Administrator

Allows user to select email addresses, other than their own, for Email Reporting. A user will still be able to create Email Reports without this privilege, but the reports can only be sent to their registered email address.

Risk - Reports

Allows user to access a suite of reports from the Risk Register vertical menu.

Settings - Column Configuration

Allows user to configure columns. Restrict access, as any change to columns impacts all users.

Settings - Manage

SETTINGS added to horizontal menu. Will allow the user to view; add; edit; and delete Managed Lists.

Templates - Manage

MASTER REGISTER added to horizontal menu. Allows user to view, add, edit, delete and archive Templates. The user will not be able to add any risks to the Template unless the Master Register-Manage privilege is applied. The user can only view the Master Risk Register and the queue of master risks.

View audit history

Allows user to view an audit log of changes made to the relevant item (eg master risk).


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