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Induction Access Roles and Privileges


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The standard roles typically provided in all new Lucidity system builds are as follows. These can be edited by system administrators as required.

To further understand the Induction module, refer to the Lucidity HR user guide for more details.

Role Name

Role Description


Role Name

Role Description


Read Only

Using Induction, a user can view all records and user details and run reports

View Course Records

View Users

General User**

Using Induction, a user can complete induction eLearning courses and print receipts


Contractor Representative

Using Induction, a contractor representative can view subcontractor induction records (cannot delete) and manage their accounts including approve/convert (scoping required to specific company)

Convert CS Induction users to CS HR users

Manage Users

Merge User Accounts

View Course Records

View Users


Using Induction, a user can manage users, course records and companies and run reports (cannot delete)

Manage Companies + Course Records + Users


Administrator role for Induction

All privileges EXCEPT:

Access Card - Edit

Column Configuration

Delete Induction Instructions

Manage Banner Image

Report Emailing Administrator


View Course Records + Users

Column Configuration

Using Induction, a user can configure columns displayed on screen and in reports (in conjunction with admin role)

Column Configuration

Report Emailing

Using Induction, a user can configure scheduled reports on behalf of other users (in conjunction with admin role)

Report Emailing Administrator

** The Induction General User role is assigned by default to all self-registered users of the system at the time of account creation.




Privilege Name

What the Privilege Does

Privilege Name

What the Privilege Does

Access Card - Edit

Will add ACCESS CARD Section to the Induction User Record. Is used in conjunction with the ONSITE Module. Allows the user to register the Access Card in Induction using a NFC Card Reader. User can also ENABLE and DISABLE Access Cards that are used to gain access to sites. This privilege needs to be used in conjunction with one of the other EDIT privileges.

Archive Course Groups

Allow user to archive Course Groups. Must be assigned in conjunction with Manage Course Groups privilege.  

Archive Induction Course

Allow user to archive Courses. Must be assigned in conjunction with Manage Course privilege. Archiving a Course will automatically archive associated Course Records.

Column Configuration

Can Configure columns. Restrict Access, as any change to columns impacts all users.

Convert CS Induction Users to CS HR Users

Allow user to convert an Induction User to either of the following HR User types: Employee, Casual or Subcontractor. The convert button appears via selecting the action button in the Users section in the Induction module. Once converted, the Users HR profile will not sync with the User's Induction profile.

Create Course Records

Allow user to view and add Course Records for Induction Users. If the user already has the Manage Course Record privileges, this privilege is not required.

Create Users

Allow user to view and add Induction Users. If the user already has Manage Users privilege, this privilege is not required.

Delete Companies

Allow user to delete Companies from within the Induction Module. This Company Database is shared with the Access Module and the Contractor Module, so any company you delete, will be deleted from these Modules as well. Must be assigned in conjunction with the Manage Companies privilege.

Delete Course Groups

Allow user to view, add, edit and archive delete Course Groups. Must be assigned in conjunction with Manage Course Groups privilege.

Delete Course Records

Allow user to delete course records. Must be assigned in conjunction with either View Course Records; Manage Course Records or Create Course Records privileges.

Delete Courses

Allow user to delete Courses. Must be assigned in conjunction with Manage Course privilege.

Delete Custom Fields

Allow user to delete Custom Fields. Must be assigned in conjunction with Manage Custom Fields privilege.

Delete Induction Instructions

Allow user to delete instructions that are used within the Induction Module. Must be assigned in conjunction with Manage Instructions privilege.

Delete Induction Locations

Allow user to delete sites that are used in association with Course Groups.  Note: "Allows associations of locations with course groups" feature needs to be enabled by Lucidity for this privilege to appear.

Delete Modules

Allow user to delete Course Modules. Must be assigned in conjunction with Manage Course and Manage Course Modules privilege.

Delete Users

Allow user to delete Induction Users. Must be assigned in conjunction with either View Users; Manage Users or Create Users privileges.

Manage Banner Image

Legacy item - does not control any feature

Manage Companies

Allow user to view, add and edit Companies from within the Induction Module. This Company Database is shared with the Access Module and the Contractor Module, so any company added or edited will be reflected in these other Modules.

Manage Course

Allow user to view, add, copy, and edit Courses.

Manage Course Groups

Allow user to view, add, edit and archive Course Groups.

Manage Course Modules

Allow user to view, add, copy, and edit Course Modules. Must be assigned in conjunction with the Manage Course privilege.

Manage Course Records

Allow user to view, add, or edit Course Records for an Induction User.

Manage Custom Fields

Allow user to manage Custom Fields associated with the Induction User. These are the fields that are populated when an Induction User is added; edited or self-registering.  Allow user to choose fields to be populated from a default list, create new fields to be populated; and customise the field names.

Manage Induction Locations

Allow user to add and edit sites that are used in association with Course Groups. Note:  "Allows associations of locations with course groups" feature needs to be enabled by Lucidity for this privilege to appear.

Manage Instructions

Allow user to add and edit instructions that are used within the Induction Module. This includes instructions for the Course Declaration, Welcome Page, Terms & Conditions and the Login Page.

Manage Users

Allow user to view, add, or edit Induction Users.

Merge User Accounts

Allow user to merge Induction Users. Must be assigned in conjunction with either View Users; Manager Users or Create Users privileges.

Report Emailing Administrator

Allows user to select email addresses, other than their own, for Email Reporting. A user will still be able to create Email Reports without this privilege, but the reports can only be sent to their registered email address.


Allows a user to complete courses; view courses they have completed; and update their personal details.  Privilege is usually auto-allocated when a person self-registers or a user is added to the Induction Module.  

View Course Records

Allow user to view course records of Induction Users. Provides read only access and conflicts with the Manage privileges. 

View Users

Allow user to view Induction Users. Provides read only access and conflicts with the Manage privileges.